Chapter 10. Training In Silver

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Y/n had set off with Amethyst, Peridot and Steven to go back to the Temple. It was surprisingly clean and fixed with only some small plank shaped holes that still needed to be filled in. Y/n looked through one of the holes only to see a familiar smashed up yoga mat covered in rubble with a diamond shaped hole in it, Y/n decided not to question and covered the floor over with a wooden board that was resting up against the kitchen bench. After hammering in the board, Y/n got up and stepped onto the warp pad wondering where Steven and the other two gems went, and just like that, Y/n saw a light tube appear and pick them off the ground.

"Woah, I didn't know I could use this thing" Y/n said as they slowly began to descend onto the ground, they looked around to see nothing but the sky, that was till they turned around to see a giant diamond symbol with four smaller diamonds inside of it. There was a blue diamond with made Y/n feel suddenly sad and depressed, they then looked over to the yellow one and began to feel fear and a need to be better, then they glanced down at the pink diamond which gave them hope and happiness yet also sadness, Y/n was confused why they felt this way just by looking at a couple of shapes, Y/n they looked up at the white diamond and felt the most fear that they have ever felt in their whole life, Y/n quickly looked away and begun walking up the white stairs behind the symbol.

Y/n walked into a medium sized stadium which was covered in marks and scratches, almost like thousands of battles had gone on here, suddenly Pearl sprinted past Y/n and jumped toward the center of the stadium ground where Connie stood with a pink sword in hand, the sword made Y/n feel rage as well as guilt, Y/n still didn't understand why they began feeling this way.

Y/n slowly went down the steps till they finally reached the battle grounds where Steven and Amethyst looked on as Connie and Pearl talked as they changed stance and clashed blades, "Are they training?" Y/n asked in confusion as they joined the two short gems who continued to watch on, "Yup" Steven replied as he opened a bag of popcorn which was then completely engulfed by the purple hungry gem next to him.

"Where did Peridot go?" Y/n asked as they looked around. "She said she wanted to go back to the barn put your purple star shirt on the alien toy" Amethyst replied as she continued to munch down on the popcorn bag.

Y/n then walked over to a nearby rack and gently lifted a sword off it which they liked best, light with a thick blade. Y/n they used a finger motion to tell Amethyst to come down from the seats and train with them.

Amethyst smiled as she pulled out her whip and slowly went down the stairs with a sassy sway to her walk, she they suddenly whipped causing Y/n to flinch, making them point the sword ahead of them and the whip then tangled around the blade and Y/n pulled it back as soon as they noticed causing it to also pull Amethyst along with it.

Y/n started to spin in circles as Amethyst held onto her whip being spun around with it. "Yo Y/n, I knew you were strong, but this is insane!" Amethyst screamed with laughter as she began to spin quicker, Y/n's blade they cut the whip due to all the force and sent Amethyst flying over the edge of the training ground, "...OH MY STARS!" Pearl yelled as Amethyst flew by her who was then followed by Y/n who jumped of the edge after her, and only then did Y/n notice the height of the floating training ground.

"AMETHYST, GRAB MY HAND!" Y/n yelled at the top of their lungs as they sky dived towards the purple gem, only for it to shape shift into an owl and fly up past them, "...WAIT AMETHYST HELP" Y/n pleaded as they continued to fall, Amethyst couldn't hear them due to the wind and probably didn't see them fly past her so she continued on.

Y/n looked down towards the fast approaching ground which surprisingly looked nice, Y/n then cowered into a ball while looking at their hand which was now completely covered in a silver substance which had edges that looked like glass, almost like it was growing and turning into something. Y/n closed their eyes and put the silver arm towards the ground hoping something would happen, then with a huge earth shaking slam, Y/n hit the ground.

Y/n woke up almost immediately after and looked around to see them self lying down in a small crater, they then looked up to see Pearl, Amethyst, Steven and Connie on the brim of the crater, only thing weird about this situation was that they all had their weapons out and ready to attack.

"Woah guys, what's wrong?" Y/n asked as they looked at the group who was ready to spring into action, "Y/n? Is that you?" Steven asked as his shield disappeared.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Y/n said as the other gems and Connie lowered and got rid of their weapons.

Steven then basically gestured to all of Y/n. Y/n looked down to see them self in a knight's armor but it was silver with a slick design as well as a grey version of the diamond symbol they saw moments ago on their chest, "Any of you happen to have a mirror I can borrow" Y/n asked in a shaken voice as Pearl pulled a mirror out of her gem and passed it to Y/n, Y/n looked at the reflection and immediately noticed the sideways diamond symbol on their right eye, there was no gaps for Y/n to look out of but they could still see through it perfectly.

"What... am I?... WHO am I?" Y/n asked as they brushed their fingers over their silver diamond shape on their helmet.


This was a bit rushed but eh, oh well

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