Chapter 3. New Room

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Y/n had opened their eyes, being blinded by they sunlight coming from outside. They also found them self in a familiar room, Y/n looked to the right of them to see Amethyst sleeping on the side of a bed they were laying in. Getting up out of the bed, Y/n had noticed he was back at the temple, and in Steven's bed. They started to remember what happened to them before they blacked out, and quickly Y/n looked top to bottom of their body but couldn't find a gem in sight, they still had their H/l, H/c hair, their skin was still the same S/c. The only thing different was the fact that Y/n felt stronger, even though they were still the same old non-fit Y/n.

Looking around, confused and dazed. Y/n started walking to the kitchen, they went to grab a milk carton from the fridge when they accidentally tore off the door, Y/n was so tired that they didn't think twice about it and just put the door back after grabbing the milk.

"Your awake!" Amethyst called as they went down toward the kitchen, "Do you know what got you?" She asked with a worried tone.

Y/n was going to lie before they saw how much she was worrying over them, so they decided they'll tell her the truth, "Well I tripped over some form of cylinder but then while I was checking it out it decided to turn me into a sushi, but as I was struggling to get out it said "HUMA-" before Y/n could finish explaining, a loud sound came from behind them, noticing that the other gems were back, "Oh hey, your back! Y/n's up by the way" said Amethyst as the others ran over to Y/n with worried expressions, except Garnet.

"Are you okay? what happened?" Steven asked. "As I was saying, the machine started saying "HUMAN DNA RECOGNIZED" then it tried turning me into a gem!" Y/n said as they started chowing down on their breakfast, while they were doing that, Pearl began searching their body. "No Pearl, I don't have a gem" Y/n said as Pearl blushed then stood up straight, "Sorry, just making sure" She said with a nervous cough.

"... What happened to the fridge?" Amethyst said as they all turned around to see her holding the fridge door which had fallen off, "Um... my bad" Y/n said with a nervous smile. "Guessing Y/n's staying here with us then" Garnet said as she adjusted her shades, "Yay! I have a sibling now!" Steven said as he ran around in excitement, "Sure Steven" Y/n said with a smile while watching the gems try and slow Steven down. Y/n decided they'd do breakfast for everyone with Garnet while the other 3 went to buy a new fridge.

"So, do you know what happened?" Garnet asked, "No, not really, I feel fine but I also feel different, I mean something is obviously wrong, I broke the fridge" Y/n said as they looked behind them to see the fridge covered in towels to stop the melting ice, "Come with me" Garnet asked as she walked to what they explained was a "warp pad", "Last time I was asked that I ended up getting super human strength" Y/n said as they started pilling up the pancakes they made, "Gem strength" Garnet corrected.

"Fine, just don't go sleeping on me" Y/n said with a worried expression, stepping on the warp pad.

We arrived at what looked like the temples hand, "And we're here why?" Y/n asked in confusion. "To do this" Garnet said as she shoved Y/n off the hand of the temple, "WHAT THE FU-" before Y/n could finish, they had landed on the sand below, "... oowww" Y/n said as they got up. "Seems you also have a gems ability to take a hit" Garnet said as she smirked, "I wish you could stop nearly killing me" Y/n said as they groaned in pain, looking up to see Pearl, Steven and Amethyst looking at Y/n in shock, "I'm okay" Y/n said as they put their thumb up.

"Where are they gonna sleep though?" Pearl said as she was discussing with the others about where in the temple Y/n could stay, 'I wish it could be as easy as clicking my fingers' Y/n thought to them self while wishing for a room to stay. Y/n clicked their fingers once, then noticed the temple door glow white, Y/n clicked their fingers again and the white glow disappeared, "Wait a minute..." Y/n said as they got up and stood in front of the door, clicking their fingers again, but nothing happened this time. 'what?' Y/n thought as they continued clicking rapidly, 'maybe' Y/n thought of wanting a room to live in then they clicked their fingers, the door glowed white once again, this time revealing a room with carpeted floors and walls made of wooden planks which were coated in a nice finish, "Wow..." Y/n thought as they stood in the room, the gems all looked around and looked in shock as Y/n was now standing in a brand new room created by the temple.

"Well that solves the room problem" Garnet said as she looked back at Pearl.

"YAY!" Steven yelled as he came into the new room and examined it, "I'm gonna need to buy some furniture" Y/n said as they looked around.

"Why are you so relaxed about this, I mean, you met aliens from another planet, got punched out by garnet, turned into a gem... super human... thing! then you got thrown off the temple by garnet, now the temple gives you a room?!" Pearl said as she looked up with the most confused face ever, "I mean I am freaking out but it's honestly to cool to be freaked out by at the moment" Y/n said as they laid down on their new rooms ground.

"Alright, now that your done confusing Pearl, we should probably get you some furniture" Steven said as he headed toward the door.

Hope you like the story so far, if you have any suggestions please message me your ideas

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