Chapter 7. Too Short To Ride Pt. 1

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After I recovered from my accident, I took time off in the Temple as to clear my head, although it was tough to think straight with a green dorito examining me.

"Peridot... what's the point of this exactly?" Y/n asked as they looked over at Peridot who was poking Y/n's arm. "I am examining your material form for irregularities" Peridot said as She lifted up Y/n's head to see the back of it. "Where is the healed tissue?" Peri asked in confusion as she began looking through my hair for a scar.

"There was no scar, my skin fixed itself up completely after the shard was removed, kinda like deadpool" Y/n said as they picked up one of Steven's comics to read while waiting for Peridot to finish her examination. "Who is this Deceased pool you speak of?" Peridot asked as she went down to examine my legs. "Your probably to young to know" Y/n stated, completely forgetting the whole "not aging" thing.

Peridot stopped examining you and went on to log her data into some kind of recorder. While she spoke into her device, Y/n got up and thought to them self, "Can a gem get tickled?" Y/n thought as they began to stalk their prey, slowly moving in silence so Peridot couldn't hear you, you slowly crawl up to the dorito and pounce!

Y/n tackled Peri to the ground just as she finished her recording and began tickling the hell out of her. "Ahhh! please.. *laughter* stop it you... *giggling* CLOD! *laughter*" Peridot wheezed as she began throwing her arms and legs around. Then suddenly out of nowhere, a pair of purple hands began to tickle you "Nooooo! my only weakness, other than pizza! *giggles*" Y/n said as they tried to stop Amethyst.

Y/n looked behind Amethyst with tears of laughter, to see Steven with a huge grin on his face. "Hey Amethyst" Y/n said wiping their eyes in joy, "What is it ya bag of laughter?" Amethyst said as she shape shifted more arms to tickle you.

Y/n then picked Amethyst up and pinned her to the ground like she weighed less than paper, "Gotcha!" Y/n said as they looked up at Steven and Peridot then winked. Y/n leaped off of Amethyst, allowing Peridot and Steven to tickle the life out of Amethyst.

But as Y/n pushed off, they heard a loud smash, causing them to close their eyes, only to open them to see the Temples roof with a hole in it. "Oh no, Pearls gonna kill me" Y/n said as they began to plummet back into the Temple.

With a loud smash, Y/n looked up to see three short yet shocked people. "Are you alright!" Steven asked worried as he picked Y/n up by their arm. "I'm alright surprisingly, but your roof... not so much" Y/n said as they looked up at the giant hole in the roof and the now small crater that they stood in.

Suddenly, the sound of the warp pad activating shocked everyone into hiding, Amethyst shape shifted into something I couldn't see since there was a bit of dust from the accident, Steven ran into his bed and under his blanket, and Peridot basically leaped into the bathroom. Y/n got out of the crater slowly, ready to deal with the angry bird Mom, only to see a familiar silhouette of a fusion. "Oh... hi Garnet" Y/n said nervously as they looked around for the others, only to see Amethyst laying on the couch in a shape shifted form of Y/n.

"Amethyst!" Y/n yelled in a whisper while glaring at the purple Y/n, "What, I wanted to be something cute so I wouldn't get hit" Amethyst replied while poking her tongue out, I'm not sure if I should be offended or flattered. Everyone slowly looked at Garnet waiting for an angry response, only for her to put a thumbs up "Steven, take Y/n and Peridot as well as Amethyst to the fun park early, I'll clean up" Garnet said as she picked up a bit of scrap and then obliterated it with her gauntlets, "Really!" Steven asked excited, "Yes, now go" Garnet replied.

Everyone left as Garnet began destroying all the broken wood. While the shorty squad ran off to the pier, Y/n looked back to see Garnet bubble some stone and then continued cleaning up. "I'll ask her what that is later" Y/n thought to them self as they quickly picked up behind Steven and the others.

We stopped by a Van that Steven said his Dad lives in, apparently he has a surprise for Peridot. We got there to see Greg holding a rectangle in his hand. "Hey Dad!" Steven yelled as we approached, "Hey Stew-ball!" Greg yelled back as he quickly shoved the rectangle into a present box.

Steven then nods to Greg and Greg does so back, picking up the box and passing it to Steven who then passed it to Peri who opened it for us to see a tablet, "What is this... rectangle?" Peridot said as she began looking at it and rotating it around in suspicion.

"It's a tablet! Dad said  something about over-saturation of media being a plague to one's mind, so I thought you might like it!" Steven said as he turned the tablet on for Peridot, causing her eyes to shine.

"You can use your fingers to work it" Y/n said as they began swiping on the tablet, "Like my old finger screens!" Peridot said happily. "...right" Y/n said confused by the words "finger screens".

"But now you have the whole worldwide web to hang out on" Steven said as he tapped the Internet app and opened google. "Worldwide? Ha! I had the ability to search and retrieve data from across multiple star systems" Peridot said as she fumbled with the tablet.

"Well guess whats better then that? TubeTube!" Y/n said as they pressed the red play button opening the app. "Woah" Peridot said as she watched cat videos.

"Looks delicious!" Amethyst said jokingly as Peridot hid the tablet behind her.


Got braces now so.... yay? also trying to integrate the episodes into the story, go ahead and look, I used actual script... I think. 

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