Chapter Ten:each victim has a story

Start from the beginning

>>>>>>end of flashback

"Olivia..Doyle...she was one of the victims" I covered my face with both of my hands taking in the shock,

"Thats why you looked so were the one who helped me out of it" i spoke again,
"I'm surprised how you didn't remember me" he said annoyed,
"I never fully saw your face I couldn't remember you" I explained,

"I would kill anyone who annoys you baby"
He smirked before taking another sip of his whiskey,

"You are drinking again" Nancy rolled her eyes as she came in with a buzzing phone,
"Who is it?" He asked looking at the phone in her hand,
"Its your father" she answered him in a worryingly tune,as she passed him the phone he stood up and immediately declined the call,

"Why aren't you picking it up? You know it could be about the marriage" she almost yelled in anger,
"Marriage my ass,you'd fucking dream about it" he threw his phone on the couch,

I sat on my seat confused as hell, marriage?? Why isn't he picking up the call? I'm super confused,

"Listen you do realize I don't want it! Can't you just fucking tell him? Its YOUR father!" She yelled,

"I'll just kill him." He sat back on the sofa gulping all his whiskey one go,slamming the glass on the coffee table,
What the hell? Why would someone kill their father!?

"SERIOUSLY STOP DRINKING YOU ARE A DAY AWAY FROM YOUR THIRTIES" she yelled in frustration and sarcasm also in her tone,

"Thirties? But...I thought he was born in..1993? His ID said that he was bo-" I thought out loud,

"He played with his age. It says that he's twenty five but in reality he's actually twenty seven" she explained

"We change the date of birth and everything related to our real personal information, its
easier not to get caught by the police this way. Whenever we are wanted by the police we just change our ID" she finished off her sentence by placing the glass on the table,

"...Nancy why did you tell her that,I didn't want to seem that old to her" he laughed,

"My ID says that I'm twenty five and I'm actually twenty three.and for the marriage thing,Our parents want us to get married so that the two families have something to 'relate' about business wise you could say" she rolled her eyes,

"First of all its a contract marriage that will only last for three years. And its just for business. Second of all,aren't you telling her too much information" he smirked,

"Ivan shut up. If you are planning to keep her locked up here she better know" she crossed her arms,

So she knew about all of this?
I frowned at the fact that she said I'm locked up,I couldn't stand it I didn't want it,
"Well then if you guys excuse me,I'll be in the living room" i stood up and walked outside almost running so that no one would stop me,

"You better not get close to her Nancy I'll fucking kill you" i heard Ivan yell as i stood outside the room,I decided to stop and listen to them,i hid behind the wall and listened carefully,

"I'd like to see you try" she laughed mockingly,
"So..when will you ever let her out" she asked,
"Once i fully trust that she won't try to run away" his answer seemed calm given that he was just shouting a second ago,

"And what if she tries to run away? Will you kill her or something" she asked again
"No I'll probably just lock her up. And punish her my way" he let out an evil giggle,
The room was filled with silence,when I finally decided to leave

"Yeah whatever I'm leaving" i heard her heels tap the floor getting louder as she came in my direction,

I hurried to leave the place before she caches me eavesdropping,i ran to the living room and made myself comfortable on the couch,I turned on the TV,and the same show was on

"What are you watching" Nancy suddenly appeared with a huge smile on her face,
"Oh nothing just the news" I replied uninterested,
"Oh well let me watch with you i guess" she smiled and jumped on the other couch,I changed the channel to the drama channel where every new and latest drama is aired,

We both watched in silence as my eyelids started giving up on me,i badly needed a nap but it was only 12pm right now,
The show i was watching was pretty boring and to be honest I didn't rest really well yesterday,it was a new place to me I couldn't really rest well,

I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.
I wasn't really comfortable sleeping in a skirt but the couch was so comfortable and cozy,it Like it's swallowing me it was so warm and it was raining outside,The thunder was blasting and at this point it was just too comfortable not to sleep so I give up to sleep and decide to close my eyes,


I opened my eyes due to the feeling of someone lifting my feet from the ground onto the couch,I at first expected it to be Alice ,she would always get me a blanket and fix my position whenever i fell asleep on the couch,

But it occurred to me that it was probably none other then Ivan,I opened my eyes and I wasn't surprised at my sight,it was him.

He slowly removed my heels,dropping the heels on the floor and putting my feet on the couch,gently laying a blanket on me so I wouldn't get cold,his expression was soft and almost warm,its rare because he usually doesn't show any emotion beside lust and anger,

He noticed i had my eyes half open,as i tried to get up he pushed me back on the couch gently,
"Its ok you can go to sleep" he smiled warmly
"Don't worry I won't let anyone disturb you"
He kissed my forehead and pulled away,

I didn't protest,
I closed my eyes again and fell back into deep sleep,

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