42: Benzodiazepine

Start from the beginning

OSCAR: "But they're done with the whole attacking thing. They're retired. We have to find them some other way."

(they all think; it's silent for a few moments)

SAL: "You know, Devan and Tomas might be our best bet for this situation. I'm going to try and talk them out of retirement."

OSCAR: "In the meantime, I'll hope the Pronouns stay in retirement."


[Attic room, His House, 5:31 PM]

(Oscar is on his laptop reading every article with Basil's viral picture on it word for word - even Californian websites are showing the picture)

(there's a knock on the door; his dad steps into his room)

OSCAR: "What."

OSCAR'S DAD: "Come help me get gas."

OSCAR: "Dad, you know I'm terrible at making your signature burritos."

OSCAR'S DAD: "Gas for the car, silly goose. We're running on an empty tank."

OSCAR: "Can't you do that in the morning? You aren't even going anywhere tonight."

OSCAR'S DAD: "Yes I am going somewhere. To the gas station. With you. I need to get a pack of beer as well."

OSCAR: "And you need my manly muscles to lift the keg for you?"

OSCAR'S DAD: "Keg? I'm not in college anymore, bud. I need you to lift the twelve pack for me. I threw my back out playing baseball with the boys yesterday. Need you to lift the gas nozzle as well."

(Oscar groans)

[Car, Somewhere Around Town, 5:48 PM]

OSCAR'S DAD: (driving) "So. It won't be too long till you're driving this, now, huh? And Fender, he's, uh, he's already driving?"

OSCAR: (elbow on the window sill, head in hand) "He's taking the test soon. And Basil... - "

OSCAR'S DAD: "We know about Basil. And we, uh, know about Fender, too."

(Oscar's hand slides down to cover his eyes)

OSCAR'S DAD: "His dad actually contacted us and him and your mom had a bit of a screaming fit on the phone. He's not pleased with what's going on between you two."

OSCAR: "You guys aren't pleased, either. Why was she even yelling? Her and Xander would get along really well."

(Oscar's dad is searching for words; he looks at Oscar then looks back at the road)

OSCAR'S DAD: "I can't speak for your mom. But personally, for me, I, uh, I don't entirely get it. I can... I can be friends with gay people, because they're people, and if they make me laugh and if they know how to have fun, that's all that matters. But I, uh, I'm sorry if I come across as... ignorant."

OSCAR: (quiet; a little bit salty) "It's okay."

OSCAR'S DAD: "Look, I'm terrible at this stuff. If we had a girl and we found out she had a boyfriend I wouldn't know how to handle it. Now we have a boy, and he has... and you... there's a boy in your life and I don't know how to handle it. I'm just stupid at this stuff. Gay or not I'm stupid at it. So whatever you do, that's your own thing. I'll support you and I'll do my best to be at your side. Your life, your decisions. And I want you to know, Oscar, that... I'm trying my best, here."

Oscar Glyde Won't Heal Your PrideWhere stories live. Discover now