21: All Of Us, Or Nothing

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Chapter 21: All Of Us, Or Nothing

[Staircase, Outside the Corner Store, 4:11 PM, ALMOST THERERER]

JAKOB: "I don't like lying, Abdul."

ABDUL: "Me neither, I guess?"

JAKOB: (sipping on cheap coffee) "Ronny asked me to ask you if you still want to be a part of the group."

ABDUL: "You can tell him to suck my dick."

JAKOB: "Well, he was hoping you wouldn't say that."

ABDUL: (rolling his eyes) "So I stand up for myself a couple times and suddenly I get kicked out?"

JAKOB: "You punched him in the face."

ABDUL: "He's punched me in the face a few times. Igor has punched him in the face. This is the way we work, J."

JAKOB: "I guess he's just sensing something... fishy."

ABDUL: "What do you mean?"

JAKOB: "He knows you don't hate Tumour boy and the Basilisk."

ABDUL: "Arrest me, officer."

JAKOB: "Man, quit that. I'm trying to save your ass here, man. All I'm saying is get back on Ronny's good side before you get a good whooping."

ABDUL: "Why does Ronny own us, J?"

JAKOB: "Huh?"

ABDUL: "It's like he's Jesus Christ. Go by his book or face the consequences. Tread on eggshells around him. I'm tired of it. He's just a fifteen year old boy."

JAKOB: (shrugs) "I dunno. I've got nothing better to do."

ABDUL: "That's kind of my point. None of us have anything better to do. That's why we follow him around all the time and go through his list of faggots."

JAKOB: "Oh. That reminds me."

ABDUL: "What?"

JAKOB: "You're on his list of faggots, now."

ABDUL: "So does this mean he's gonna jump me?" (mockingly) "His own brethren?"

JAKOB: "Yeah, after Donald, Charity and Oscar."

ABDUL: (going quiet) "Charity's on the list?"

JAKOB: "Yep." (lights a cigarette) "Get out of here before he's through with Oscar."

ABDUL: (feeling defiant) "Why should I?"

JAKOB: "Because Oscar's bound to make him so mad he lashes out like Satan at his next target. A.K.A: you."


ABDUL: "Why don't you care? It seems like Khashar, Igor and Ronny all think I'm a prissy faggot and hate me for it. Why are you still my friend?"

JAKOB: "I dunno, man. You don't make me feel stupid like they do."

ABDUL: "But I'm the smartest out of all of us."

JAKOB: "I think to be kind you have to be smart. Why do you think Ronny has a stick up his ass all the time?"


ABDUL: "What if he was right?"

JAKOB: "Huh?"

ABDUL: "What if Ronny was right and I was a fucking faggot. Would you still be my friend then?"

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