40: The Fate of Elsie

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Chapter 40: The Fate of Elsie

[Student forums, NammiGram, 10:34 PM]

PEANUTALLERGY2001: Is the rally shut down?

WARPED-TOUR-2016: It was shut down hours ago, man

PEANUTALLERGY2001: How'd it go?

WARPED-TOUR-2016: Shit!!

USMANX: so many people. at least a thousand. and a car drove straight into the crowd

PEANUTALLERGY2001: Was one of ours driving the car?

WARPED-TOUR-2016: Who's one of yours?

PEANUTALLERGY2001: Alt-right

WARPED-TOUR-2016: Yeah. An alt-right piece of shit was behind the wheel.

PEANUTALLERGY2001: Piece of shit? Coming from you?

ZOEMCKENNA: It's too soon for this guys. Can we just all sleep and talk about it tomorrow

WARPED-TOUR-2016: Tell me how a man driving a car into a crowd of protestors to KILL, completely unjustified , isn't a piece of hsit

PEANUTALLERGY2001: Unjustified? It was completely justified

WARPED-TOUR-2016: How is attempted murder completely justifiedwhen it's unprovoked!!

PEANUTALLERGY2001: R you an idiot? The fucking liberals were crowding around his car and not letting him get by. What was he supposed to do?

USMANX: Peanutallergy just a second ago you didn't even know who was driving the car, now you know exactly why he did what he did?

WARPED-TOUR-2016: I can't even argue with you, peanutallergy

PEANUTALLERGY2001: Because you know I'll win

WARPED-TOUR-2016: Because you live in a fractal, delusional world that can't be punctured by reason or facts

PEANUTALLERGY2001: Those are some big words. Can't have an argument without thesaurus.com, can we?

WARPED-TOUR-2016: Have fun with your sad, low-life white man friends

WARPED-TOUR-2016 has logged off.

PEANUTALLERGY2001: You guys just don't understand everything. If you actually had a conversation with one of us you'd know exactly what we mean and you'd take back everything you've been saying

USMANX: I did have a conversation with one of you, for elsie's brochure. nothing made sense. the guy I interviewed was just talking about how the whites need a 'homeland' - how is America supposed to be a homeland for the whites? the native americans were here long before

PEANUTALLERGY2001: But this land was nothing before we came. we made it something. We brought it where it is now.

USMANX: maybe you did, but you murdered, raped, enslaved, and indoctrinated to do so. and where is America now, anyways? you act like its so great. it realy isn't. my great-great-grandfather was born into slavery. why do you want to take credit for something like that? besides, it wasn't just whitet men who developed Americas infrastructure and modernized it. you can thank the African slaves, Mexicans, and Chinese for helping you guys. but they're alien vermin, aren't they?

PEANUTALLERGY2001 has logged off.

ZOEMCKENNA: I agree with you completely, Usman.



MATTO: same go usman!

HOBBIT-OF-NAMMI: We're all with you

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