20: Riot at the Red Bean

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Chapter 20: Riot at the Red Bean

[Pink Bean Cafe, A Few Blocks From School, 9:06 PM, Knuckle Blisters]

(Oscar runs into the cafe, but Fender and Ronny are nowhere to be found; panting, he runs back out and skirts around the building)

RONNY: "Hey, look, Fender. Your boyfriend's come to share your load."

IGOR: "Or swallow your load." (laughter)

(Oscar can barely make out their faces in the dark; there's a shadowy lump on the alley floor that's probably Fender)

OSCAR: "Um - so - "

RONNY: "Look, Oscar, you probably don't want to see this. You can either leave and we'll forget you were here, or you can try to do something about it and get your balls kicked up to your chest."

OSCAR: "I'll - uh - take my chances?" (he starts walking forward)

KHASHAR: "Should we beat him up too?"

RONNY: "I don't know. It's probably not worth it."

OSCAR: "You're probably right, Ronny. If you beat up another useless fucking faggot what will you get? A couple painful knuckle blisters in exchange for the sweet release you get from bloodying up another gay? I don't know how to weigh those factors."

RONNY: "You should probably stop talking now, fag."

OSCAR: "Ouch. That was a good one. Original. Really seared my soul."

RONNY: (to his boys) "Let's do it. Then let's just leave them here."

OSCAR: "Are you sure about that?" (looks at Igor) "Remember two nights ago, when Emma called you out for being a fucking rapist, Igor? Think that allegation's gonna slide just because the newspaper forgot to mention you? I've got all your dirt, man."

IGOR: "What dirt?"

OSCAR: "Your little trophy gallery, compacted into a convenient little SD card. And I thought the video of Fender was bad; but once your videos get out..."

RONNY: "He's bluffing, man. Don't sweat. I said don't sweat!"

IGOR: (to Ronny) "Nah - I was looking for that card a few days ago and I couldn't find it. I thought I lost it."

RONNY: "Your room is worst than Auschwitz - you probably did lose it."

OSCAR: "Fifty-seven Cherryball Lane. Your room is on the bottom floor. Easy pickings, Bobko."

IGOR: "You fucking - " (Ronny holds him back) "I'll report you to the police for breaking and entering!"

OSCAR: "The only breaking I plan to do is breaking your sanity, not that you had much of that to begin with. The police won't really believe what you say, anyways, when you're in juvenile detention for rape. If you go now, I'll destroy the card."

KHASHAR: "Let's go guys."


OSCAR: "Or I could have all those videos out by midday tomorrow. Your choice."

RONNY: "We're going. Have fun cleaning up the mess, faggot." (Ronny spits at Oscar's feet as he and his boys walk off)

[Alley beside the Pink Bean Café, A Few Blocks From School, 9:13 PM, Just Imagine This]

(Oscar takes out his phone flashlight and crouches next to Fender)

OSCAR: "Jesus Christ - "

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