7: Someone Turned The Lights Out

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Chapter 7: Someone Turned The Lights Out

[Biology lab, Atenamal Regional High, 8:39 AM, The Pig At The Sunday Roast]


No. 0131


Last week, the shocking discovery that our school speaker Fender Brail impregnated three students rumbled the student body. But there's more to the story. While the propogandist vigilante by the pseudonym 'No One' went on a wheatpasting rampage through our hallways, questions were being raised: Who really is Fender Brail? Did he truly rape Emma Hernandez? And more importantly: What place does he have as school speaker and head of the Academic Council?

It was unceremoniously thrusted upon the student body last week the fact that Fender Brail had raped - and in turn impregnated - fellow student Emma Hernandez. How far can this allegation be trusted? Along with the alarming screenshots posted to SnapChat last week and the vague confession made by the rapist himself, more eyewitnesses and harassment survivors come forward to unite against a loose predator. Zoe Greenslade, a freshman and celebrated member of the track team, breaks the silence: "He once looked at me in a really creepy way," says Zoe, tears leaking out of her eyes, "I felt so violated. Later he came into the girls' locker room while I was changing. I could feel him peeking at me. It was really uncomfortable." And Gabi Reynolds, senior and class speaker, joins the chorus of brave girls: "It was shocking to everyone else. But for girls like me and Emma, it comes as no surprise. Fender's made countless advances on us girls. He might not have raped me, but he's definitely harassed me sexually. At least twice."

What the students want to know at this point is how long will Mr Wilks continue defending the campus pervert? And how long will Father Fender continue as the face of this school?

Head of the Academic Council?  More like heading to court.

OSCAR: "A little bit harsh, don't you think?"

BASIL: "A bit too jumping-to-conclusions for my taste. I've had enough of being jumped."

OSCAR: "It'll be recalled by noon."

BASIL: "That's what they all say. Then it gets posted on SnapChat, screenshotted, photoshopped above an image of Fender saying misogynistic slurs, blown up into two dozen five-foot posters and wheatpasted around the school. And then another article comes out."

OSCAR: "You don't believe the articles, do you?"

BASIL: "Lord, Oscar, do you think I believe any propaganda this school spouts? Jesus fucking Christ - you really have been living under a rock, haven't you?"

OSCAR: "But... you're a girl. Shouldn't this be more - I don't mean to s - what I m - shouldn't this be more... sensitive, to you? I mean, don't you feel inclined to join the uprising bazaar of tit heathens?"

BASIL: "First of all, don't you ever call women an 'uprising bazaar of tit heathens' ever again, you fucking buffoon. Second of all, I can't exactly get 'up' and 'rise', can I? And just because I'm not joining in on the organized attack doesn't mean I don't care about fighting sexism - I do. But... look, Oscar, accusing a fifteen-year-old boy of actual rape without substantial evidence is sort of sexism too, don't you think?"

Oscar Glyde Won't Heal Your PrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora