Chapter Ten ➣ Dan

Start from the beginning

Dan stares out of the window of his room.
A knock comes at the door; he ignores it.
And it opens anyway.
A dark haired boy with intense eyes and strong muscles walks in, and smiles at his back. "Hey Dan."
"Fuck off, Wolfgang."
"I- sorry, dude. I just want to tell you something."
Dan ignores him, continuing to stare out of the window.
Damien takes a seat beside him on the bed, and grabs Dan's chin, forcing him to look back at him.
"I like you, bro. And I know you like me too, so let's just stop pretending."
Dan glares at him, shoving his hand away. "What the hell are you on about?"
"We're gay. It's going to be tough, people might laugh. But they won't once they realise how strong we are together."
"I'm not- you're- ugh," Dan shoves him away, getting to his feet. His glare strengthens. "I don't like you! In fact, I fucking hate you. I hate everyone in this goddamn building. Being gay is bad. Not right. You're a spawn of satan. Now fuck off, okay? My parents just died, and you're caring about a stupid-ass forced relationship?! Stay away from me."
A look of hurt crosses over Damien's face, but it's quickly replaced with anger. "You'll regret that."
He stands up, and storms out, slamming the door behind him.
"I fucking hate this gang." Dan mutters under his breath, kicking a wall before going back to his position on the bed.

"How the tables have turned, Daniel James Howell," Damien laughs coldly.
Phil is staring in surprise at the two of us, his head whipping left and right.
"I told you you would regret it," he smirks, before looking down at Phil. "He'll make a nice prize, won't he boys."
The crowd yells and laughs their agreement.
Phil whimpers under all of their gazes.
"A lovely trophy to prove that you, like everyone else, should never have gone against me, and that you've paid the price."
I turn around upon hearing the clanging again. Someone's entered, but this time, with a gun. A gun aimed directly at my forehead.
"No-" Phil yells out, but is quickly silenced.
"Goodbye, spawn of Satan." Damien laughs.
No.. I can't die. I can't die and leave Phil stuck with them. I need to.. I can't ... I can't die.
The man with the gun steps closer. Quick as a flash, I knock his hand to the side, and steal the gun. I raise it, and fire, and a bullet flies through the man's head.
The door is still open, though they're trying to close it.
I run, and Indiana-Jones my way under, shooting the two managing the door steadily.
People run at me from all angles. I just keep shooting, and reloading, and dodging, and shooting again.
I start shooting through the crowd, and moving towards Damien and Phil.
I aim at him.
Damien glares.
I pull the trigger.
But nothing happens.
I'm out of bullets.
"You were supposed to be mine," Damien yells angrily, grabbing the empty gun from my hands and hitting me around the head with it.
Bodies surround us. It seems everyone else have retreated.
I try to push myself up from the ground, feeling Phil's gaze on me. A foot presses down on my back, forcing me back down. And a hand grabs my chin, and forced me to look at Phil.
"If I can't kill you, then I can at least kill the one asshole in this world that you love."
The sound of a knife plunging into Phil. It surrounds me, echoes around me and I know I'll never escape it.
I stare at Phil, frozen on the spot.
Damien places down the gun beside me, ruffles my hair, and walks out.
A door slams, and locks.
I move to Phil, quickly pulling the knife out of his back and holding him in my arms, putting pressure against the wound.
"Dan..." He whispers, his eyes are flickering.
"No! Don't close your eyes. You're going to be okay. Save your strength," I mumble.
He smiles a smile laced with sadness, and I hold him tighter in my arms. "I-I'm sorry.. Dan... I.. I love.... you."
And his eyes close. He falls still, his pale skin, paler than before.
"No.. Phil.." Tears form in my eyes, and fall down my cheeks. "Phil, please... please don't die... please.." My begging means nothing. He's gone, and I know it. I cry harder, laying my head on his bloodied chest.
Phil's dead. I can't believe he's dead. He can't be dead.
He can't be.
"I.. I love you too," I cry, sitting up and stroking Phil's raven black hair. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. This is all my fault."
All the walls I've built up over the years break down. Crashing and falling.
The gun lays next to me. It's got one bullet left.
I can't live like this. Not anymore. Not without Phil.
Without my family, without my friend.
My shaky hands move, and lift it from the ground. They lift it to the side of my head. I lay down on Phil, a tear falling down my cheek.
I'm sorry, Phil.
I pull the trigger. A gunshot sound, and then darkness.
For years I feared death. But now I embrace it, and it's surprisingly less painful than I thought.

The End.

Oof. I finally finished this. Yay.
So uh they died. Sorry if I upset anyone 😉😬
I'm not gonna do a long, sappy speech. But.. thank you for reading my Dan and Phil fanfic, and for being so patient when it comes to me updating.
(Also, please don't hate on Dan for hating on Damien before, and being rude about being gay. Keep in mind his parents were incredibly religious, and whilst he didn't agree with their beliefs when they were alive, after they died everything they thought were the most important thing that he had left of them. And that flashback scene was set a week or so after their death, so. \_(•-•)_/ )
I love you all for reading this, and I hope you enjoyed it (mostly)
- Wolfie xx

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