Chapter Six ➣ Dan

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Dan has realised how he acted differently around Phil. He was more open. Less guarded.
He didn't like it.
"You should get back to your mum."
Phil frowns a little, "But I wanna talk."
"We've done that."
"Play a game, then!" Phil pleads desperately, tugging on his black sleeve.
Dan raises an eyebrow, looking down at the pastel-ly dressed boy, "Play a game?"
Phil nods quickly, "Yeah! Like truth or dare, or I spy, or a board game or something."
Dan sighs looking at him. He was about to speak when someone opens his door, causing the boys to turn round in surprise.
"Did someone say truth or dare?"
Jesus Christ. "No, Ian. Get out," Dan rolls his eyes boredly.
Ian was a pretty muscular bloke. He had a strong build, but that made it difficult to hide in a crowd. He had about twice as many piercings in his face than Dan, and had shaved half of his hair off, giving himself a menacing look. Ian looks at the two boys, focusing on Phil especially since he hadn't seen him before. He tries to hide himself behind Dan.
It wasn't subtle.
A slight smirk crosses his expression, and then he yells out. "DARES IN DANS ROOM."
Dan groans.
And then in files about ten other 'punks', all with weird and wonderful tattoos, strange piercings, crazy haircuts and menacing looks.
Dan already knew what was coming, but tries to stop it anyway. "No. He was just leaving."
Phil gulps.
A few snigger.
The others get closer. Dan doesn't back down, stepping firmly in front of the other boy, and meeting their eyes. Despite being the youngest of them, he knew how to handle himself.
"Rules are, noobs go first." Ian smiles casually.
A loud noise that pulses through the room stops them all, freezing their feet to the floor. A few looked afraid. Others angry.
"FUCKING SCATTER," Someone yells. Dan and Phil were caught up in the sea of guys as they stream towards Dan's window, swearing at one another when two tried to go out at once and shoving in to get out first.
Police sirens.
The sound that secures a feeling of safety for most, but strikes fear into others.
Dan stops outside, yelling for Phil, spinning, his eyes rapidly searching for him.
His heart races.
Of all the times Phil could have been round his, it had to be now didn't it. When the police find them.
"PHIL!" He yells out again. He has to go soon. The cops probably heard him yelling.
"I'm here," A mumble sounds from a nearby bush. Dan runs over and finds that he'd fallen into the brambles.
"Get up. Come on we have to run," Dan mutters, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet.
Phil's eyes were wide, full of fear. "B..But I-I've done nothing wrong."
"They don't know that. Come on," Dan doesn't have time to think. They just have to run. He doesn't let go of Phil's hand, and sprinted away from the building and into the nearby alleyways.
"W.. wait, Dan..." Phil pants madly, having to hold onto the brunettes hand tightly as to not fall behind.
The sounds of footsteps echoed. Dan can't tell if they're coming from in front, or behind.
Dan ignores Phil's pleas for them to stop. He knows what the cops are like. They wouldn't care whether or not Phil is guilty.
Dan has to release his hand when they reach a wall. He starts climbing, beckoning him to follow without looking back.
"Dan!" Phil cries out.
Dan still doesn't look back.
When his feet were firmly on the ground on the other side, he heard a strangers voice.
It came from behind. And so did a soft crying sound.
"You're under arrest. Anything you say can and will be used against you."
The sounds of handcuffs. Soft sobbing. Dan looked away. At freedom. Then back at the wall. And he made a decision.
He climbed back over, and jumped down.
The policewoman holding Phil's wrists behind his back raises an eyebrow.
Phil's teary eyes look up, and a few more droplets spill from them and down his cheek at the sight of him. His entire body was shaking.
"Let him go. It's me your after," Dan said, producing a small bag from his pocket. Full of what Phil would think was flour, what Dan would know was illegal.
Guns point to him now.
He thrashed out as they tried to grab him. Kicked one's balls. Punched another's face.
He keeps fighting.
A burning sensation.
Dan swore loudly, staggering back a little, lowering his eyes. A bullet wound.
The pain pulses through him, in waves. Shock at first. Then stinging. Then burning. Then agony.
He'd been shot.
Before he can do anything else, his wrists are cuffed behind his back.
Dan looks up at Phil.
Phil was a mess of emotions. Scared. Worried. Anxious. Fearful. Upset.
The usual excitement, gone.
"Let him go." He is forced towards a police car.
"Let him go." Phil is shoved beside him.
"Let him go." The car started.
"Let him go." Phil cries harder.
"Let. Him. Go." The car stops.
"Let him go." In the medical wing.
They didn't listen.
"Let him go."
They didn't care.
"Let him go." In a cell.
No one listened.
Three grey walls. One barred one.
Nothing he could do.

So, uhh, Dan and Phil are in jail now. Yay? Maybe they could start vlogging in jail like those women in orange is the new black.
iTs NoT cLiCkBaIt We'Re AcTuAlLy In JaiL.
QOTD: If you were imprisoned, what one item would you take with you?
- Wolfie xx

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