Chapter Eight ➣ Dan

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Dan was slouched in the corner.
It's not like he'd never been in jail before. I mean, he'd been here plenty of times.
But this time is different. This time he knows that Phil is here with him. Phillip Michael Lester, a boy who was probably the most innocent person he'd ever met. Teenagers knew more about sex and breaking the law than he did.
Just when he's wondering where he could possibly be - it's a large building - he sees him.
Being escorted past his cell.
Dan's pretty sure he's hallucinating.
Phil runs towards him, his eyes wide, "Dan?"
"Phil..." He manages to speak, getting to his feet and moving to the bars.
"Dan!" Phil calls for him again.
"Phil.." Dan watches him be dragged off.
He's probably being bailed out by his family. Lucky bugger.
Dan sighs out, feeling even more lonely than before. He retrieves to his little corner and slumps back down at it, staring at the ground.
His thoughts are overwhelming - he tries to ignore them.
Yet he seemed to be getting worse at ignoring things recently. The thoughts kept coming back at him.
You should have left him. He would have been fine on his own.
This is your fault.
You said you'd protect him.
You're a dickhead.
Your existence is pointless, and nobody will be there to remember you when you die.
Maybe you should just die now. Get out of everybody's hair.
The world will be better without a punk like you in it anyway.
He looks up.
A man is stood outside the cell, jangling keys and smirking at him.
Dan narrows his eyes.
There's a wolf tattoo on his left shoulder.
"I can get you out."
"We can get you out."
"Another one with voices in their head?"
"We- the gang. We can get you out of here."
"And what do you want in return?" Dan asks irritantly. They always want something in return.
"Two things."
"Naturally," he rolls his eyes.
"Firstly, you rejoin the gang."
"I'm not going back into that shithole ever again," He snaps.
"Is it really worse than this shithole?" The man gestures around, at the jail.
"They give you two square meals a day here. Yeah, it is."
"Damien Wolfgang will stop trying to kill you if you rejoin."
Damien Wolfgang. Now that's a name he hasn't heard in years, a name he'd been avoiding for years.
The leader of the criminal gang, 'The Pack.' Shitty name, shitty leader. They did drugs, and murdered, and stole. Every criminal knew of them, every police officer feared them.
When Dan joined, they offered him a sanctuary. Food. Shelter. Friends. Things he hadn't had in a long time back then. Things he lacked now.
But it had grown corrupt, all because of fucking Damien Wolfgang.
"He hasn't been so successful with that so far," Dan muttered.
"He was with your family."
Dan clenches his jaw.
The man smirks. "Secondly, you have to get that other dude in too. That Phil."
"What the fuck do you want with him?" Dan snaps.
"That's none of your concern. Let me sum up the choice you have."
Dan refuses to look at him as he speaks, clenching his fists by his sides tightly.
"First option, you and your little friend join the gang. Won't have to do much. Just participate." The man pauses, eyeing Dan up. "Or, you can rot in jail. And your friend will find himself in the same predicament you were in all those years ago. Dead family. Homeless. Wanted by the police."
"You wouldn't," Dan jumps to his feet, glaring.
"We would, and you know it. You have until tomorrow to make your decision," He smirks, jangling the keys in his hand a final time before turning on his heel and strolling off.
Dan yells in frustration, punching the wall. Twice. Thrice. What comes after thrice? It doesn't matter, because he keeps punching, and his vision starts to blur.
It's all your fault Dan.
He stops when his knuckles bleed. He sits down. He stands up again. He paces the cell. He glares at the wall. He glares at the floor. He glares at his bleeding fist.
It's all your fault.
He tries to imagine Phil homeless.
He wouldn't survive a day.
He tries to imagine Phil left alone.
He wouldn't survive a day.
He tries to imagine Phil being caught by the police - again.
He wouldn't survive a day.
Phil would be screwed, and he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd be upset, and angry, and afraid, and Damien Wolfgang will turn him into something he's not - one of his minions.
I'm sorry, Phil's mum.
I wanted to keep him out of this.
But I haven't been left with a choice.
A tear escapes Dan's eye. He knows what he has to do.
He has to.
I'm sorry, Phil...

Hi again.
Just got back from meh holiday and phew that was a long drive, I'm glad it's over.
Y'all got a bit of insight into Dan-the-punk's backstory there. Oof.
Anyway. Hope you're all good.
QOTD: Dogs or cats?
- Wolfie xx

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