Dear Wattpaders, Scared Yet?

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X_Tibbit_X here, and while browsing the deepest and darkest corners of the internet for stories, I found a website for what to do to help you not be so afraid before you go to sleep. You are welcome. ;)

Step One: Before going to bed, try to focus on something less scary, happy even. This will get your mind off whatever it is that scared you.

(Even though the thing in your closet will still be watching you sleep)

Step Two: Leave the hall lights on and leave your door slightly open. This will give you reassurance without providing too much light and keeping you awake.

(And try not to think about how easy it will be for something to slip through the crack)

Step Three: If you associate silence with a scary image, turn on some quiet music and concentrate on it. The main key is to get your mind off the scary thing.

(With the music distracting you, you won't hear the sound of bones cracking as it crawls toward you)

Step Four: Read a book. Not a scary book, but either a happy book or a really boring one that will put you to sleep.

(Why not read it out loud, the monster might be more willing to let you live another night...)

Step Five: Follow up the scary movie with a funny one, if you have time. That way your mind will be focused on the funny one.

(And not on the dark entity behind you)

**Studies say that whatever you watched half an hour before you sleep is what you will remember and possibly dream about. After watching, reading or seeing something scary then just watch cartoons for half an hour. Then you'll be alright.

Step Six: Have some water. It will make you feel better and if you have a headache, it will help it.

(You might get lucky and live if you pee on the monster)

Step Seven: Tell yourself how it is totally fake and could never happen to you.

**Depending on the movie or book, try to focus on the differences between where you are and where the setting in the movie/book is. Example: in Paranormal Activity, their bed is right next to the door. Focus on how your bed is on the other side of the room. How could it happen to you if you're not in the same place?

(Yeah, because the ghost can't be bothered to take the extra five steps)

Step Eight: Talk to someone about it. Talk to your mom, your dad, your friend, or anyone you're close to. Talking about it will make you feel better and maybe they will have some advice for you.

(So you are just going to let whoever you talk to go to bed scared shatless?)

Step Nine: You could also ask your sibling to sleep with you. Having someone around is always reassuring.

(Like the monsters always say, the more the merrier!)

Step Ten: If you are spiritual you could keep something along you beside or below your pillow.

(I don't want to offend anyone) :)

**These notes were from the website

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