17)Dictator Austin

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Paige has been working on math for a while. I am just chilling out in here. I guess I'll try to talk to her a bit but currently I think she thinks I'm mean.

"Hey how is it going?" I say as I get up off the couch.

She does not answer me. So I say , "Need any help at all. Taylor told me about how you struggle in math."

She drops her pencil. It's like she didn't want me to know.

Did she know Taylor told me?

"What do you mean?" She says. "I don't struggle in math."

Yep that confirms that she doesn't want me to know anything about her.  I want to get closer to her and get to know her more,but I don't think she will ever open up to me.

"So you failing is not you struggling, then how did you manage to fail, huh?" I say walking up behind her now.

"Look I already had this conversation with Taylor last night I don't need to have it again with her brother." Paige says. "And I am going to take a break now." She then shuts the math book.

I grab the book off the table and look at what she has done. She only has 3 out of the 13 pages Taylor has marked for her to do. Of course Taylor sectioned it off in 13's what other number does she know. This is a problem know because also most of her work is wrong and barley any of it is done. I guess for today I am going to be the mean guy.

"Paige you aren't even halfway done with the amount that Taylor wanted you to do before she gets back. And you have been working at for almost 2 hours now. Either your answers are wrong or you haven't started a page yet. Why didn't you ask for help. What have you been doing, staring at the wall." I had the book back to her. "Get back to work."

"Maybe because I don't want your help. Why you gotta be so mean. Fine dictator of my life I'll get back to work. It's not like I can do anything else." Paige says slamming the book open. "Just leave me alone. You can leave this room, Taylor will be back in an hour and I am not really able to do anything else besides this."

Yep I am mean. This isn't me though, but she needs to know she can't just not listen to anyone anymore.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience of me being in this room, but Taylor wants me in here with you til she comes back." I say. "Maybe if you did the work during her first sound check then I wouldn't need to be here."

"Ugh fine!"Paige says. "Just don't talk to me anymore."


Taylor opens the door and I pull her out into the hallway.

"Hey Aus.What's up? Is something wrong?" Taylor says.

"Well I am pretty sure Paige hates me. And the last time I looked at her work it was all wrong and she only had 3 of the 13 pages of work done. And she didn't want my help. I don't know how much she has done now." I say

"Austin she doesn't hate you. It is just she doesn't like the school work. She takes anger out on anything. And I think not having her crutches to leave the dressing room is pissing her off a lot. Can you go grab them while I talk to her." She says.

"Yea where are they again?" I ask.

"I think they are in the room with all the costumes." Taylor says as she heads into her room and I head down the hallway.


Paige's POV

This math work sucks! Of course Taylor wants me to do 13 pages I wouldn't expect anything less or more. But still 13 is a lot and to top it off I don't understand any of it. But I don't want Austin knowing. Why does he have to watch me anyways. It's not like I can do anything anymore now that Taylor took my phone and the crutches.

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