31)Why Can't I Leave Already

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Paige's Pov

The dismal bell rings and I can't get out of that horrible place fast enough. I run to Taylor's car, faster than I did yesterday.

People say that if you don't let the bullying, the rumors and the isolation get to you then they will stop. It is a game to them and if it doesn't hurt you it is no longer fun for them.

I don't think that is true. They continue even if you try to keep a smile on your face. I don't know if I can come back to school anymore without feeling like a disgrace.

I get into the backseat of the car and I notice Taylor sitting in the back.

That's weird

Normally she would always sit in the passenger seat if Austin or her driver was driving the car.

Once I shut the door to the car I ask, "Hey Taylor where is Austin. Why aren't you in the front seat?"

Taylor gives me this look and I feel my body and soul tense up. Austin isn't in the school, taking to the Principal. He can't be. I don't know if I want him to or not. He is overprotective of me though. Since the day I met him. So he is going to do what he thinks is best despite what Taylor and I say.

"Taylor he he he isn't in there is he." I manage to stutter out.

"He is." Taylor says grabbing my shaking hands.

I don't say anything. I am not mad about it. When I am mad I express it very clearly. However I am worried about what Austin is going to say.

Not letting Taylor let go of my hand I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Another bad day honey?"

"The worst. I just want to be with you like this for a while."

"Whatever you want darling." She says.


Austin has been inside the school for a while and it is making me nervous. I have soaked the right sleeve of Taylor's shirt with my tears.

Suddenly Austin opens up the door to the drivers seat, quickly slamming it after he sits down. He puts this piece of paper on the passenger seat.

He seems angry and that makes me nervous about what happened in there.

He turns around and looks at my bloodshot eyes. I think that's when he finally realized how bad this is impacting me.

Austin and Taylor exchange glances of concern and mouth words to each other. I wish I could understand what they are saying. I can't read lips to save my life.

"Hey Jo ready to go home." Austin says reaching for my hand that Taylor is holding, he squeezes it trying to calm me down.

"Please Austin." I say as he puts the car in drive and pull out of the school.


We get home and I go sit down on the couch in the living room. I want them to come and sit around me. Tell me everything is going to be ok, no matter how wrong that is. I want them to hold my shaking hands, tell me to stay beautiful.

"Hey honey why don't you go practice your chords for a while. I think Paul told me he can come to teach you stuff soon." Taylor says.

That cheers me up a bit. I have been waiting for Paul to show me guitar chords and notes and well everything he knows. He is genius on guitar.

"Ok." I say getting up. My eyes must still red from crying in the car because Taylor looks at me concerned.

As much as I like playing the guitar. Getting my emotions out. I don't want to do that right now.  I listen to Taylor though. If she thinks it will help maybe it will.

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