"I think two glasses of Moet champagne for now, we'll still decide on the food."

"Oh God, no champagne for me, you know how easily I get tipsy. I'll make a huge fool of myself and blabber on about silly things." For a second Perrie looked at Jade before diving into the menu to hide the blush on her cheeks but Jade had seen it, causing a confused frown to darken her features for a few seconds. As long as they didn't start having sex on the table Jade couldn't really care less about Perrie's tipsy behaviour.

"C'mon, just one glass. I mean, I'm gonna be a fucking dad! You have to celebrate that with me."

Now Jade was even more confused. If he was trying to convince Perrie to drink a glass of champagne with him she surely couldn't be the mother of his child – and he probably would have said "you're gonna be a fucking mother" instead – so that could only mean he was in a relationship with someone else. Why on earth would he take his assistant out for dinner to celebrate his parenthood? If he had a baby with someone else, why would he be so loud and happy about it towards the woman he was taking out for dinner?

"Should I come back later?"

"No, no, it's fine," Perrie grabbed Jade around the wrist before the brunette could move away in order to keep her in place. "If he insists, I'll have a glass of champagne. He's paying anyway." She laughed quietly and then her grip loosened but it took longer than necessary for her to remove her fingers from around Jade's wrist. God, Jade was really confused now.

"Okay, two glasses of Moet champagne coming right up," she told them politely and tipped the order into her little pad as she walked towards the kitchen. As she almost reached the staff door she took a glance back at the table and saw the couple lean closer to each other over the table, talking about something quietly.


"She's so reserved," Perrie sighed and fumbled with her napkin nervously, watching as Jade carried a plate to another table she was currently waiting besides theirs. "I don't think she's interested."

"Well, you gotta keep trying showing her you are interested and I'm sure the rest will happen on its own accord," Jonnie told her with some chicken stuffed to one side of his mouth so he could talk without it all falling it out. He chewed on his bite and swallowed it bigger than was probably good for him before he continued talking. "You're a gorgeous young girl and I don't see what could stop her from asking you out."

"How do you know she's even into girls? And I didn't even know she worked her, I've literally seen her twice in all my life."

Jonnie frowned now and put his knife and fork down. "Twice? I thought you saw her for the first time at the practise?"

Perrie's cheeks turned a deep shade of red and she dabbed her napkin at her mouth now although she had been too nervous to eat much anyway (which was a horrible idea because now the champagne was going to show his effect way too soon and she was already on her third glass). "Well, it wasn't really intentional but I met her at the grocery store the same day. She didn't talk at all."

"That was because I told her to stuff a tissue in her mouth and not open her mouth for the rest of the day, dumbass," the male laughed and shook his head in amusement. "Come on, just talk to her! I bet she's gonna be really nice."

"Like I said, we can't know for sure if she's even into girls at all."

"Well, then ask her."

Perrie groaned and put her head in her hands. "Jonnie, you can't just ask people you don't know about their fricking sexuality. For all we know she could be a closeted lesbian and I'm sure the man who ripped out her tooth and the woman assisting him three days ago are not the first people she feels like coming out to."

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