Not only that, but it seems like my hair is really divergent; it's curly for a few minutes then straight the next.

It's like I can't even control my own hair. What the heck?

Other than hair growth, it seems like I've grown even taller too. I was a short 5'3, and now I seem to be 5'6.

Three inches of a difference can really make you look different, considering that I'm almost as tall as my dad and taller than my mom.

I was growing almost as tall as Dad, who is a tall 5'10, while mom was a 5'5.

I looked more stronger and lean as well.

Muscles in my arms and legs made me look a bit more buff than my frail arms and legs before the change.

But the last thing was.....

that I felt much more stronger. Like I feel like I can use my powers in a cinch, and not feel a terrible ache or pain afterwards.

I was drinking in all the new changes of myself in the mirror with my eyes.

I even asked myself if I was really.... me.

Meanwhile, my parents both stood side by side to me and grabbed my shoulders and smiled with their teeth showing.

"You see what I mean?" omma asks as I give her slow nods.

"And I think you should see this as well." she says, pushing my right pajama sleeve up to my elbow.

Ok the last thing I just said about my powers? I'm not done yet. I take that back. There's more.

I gasped, seeing small weird words etched into my skin.

They were in another language that I didn't know about, but I saw a familiarity.

It's like I've seen this kind of language before.

"They're permanent." dad says in his deep voice as I rub the skin under my arm, where the words clear.

They were on my skin for good. They were pitch black, so that basically meant that you can see it for miles on my pale skin.

Instinctively, I checked my left arm for any marks or words.

And surprisingly, there isn't.

As I look at my right arm with the weird words again, they moved around until I could read some them.

"I-I can read it." I stutter as mom and dad give me a smile.

"It's a mixture of Ekso and Cursa, the old languages of the two planets. It's amazing how you can read it." dad says proudly.

"R-Really?" I ask as he nods.

"Yes. You're very special honey."

It took me a while for this new change to sink in.

I just wasn't used to changes like this.

And there's even more to it.

Mom and dad explained that in time, when I reach the Twelve, I'll be able to fully understand what the words on my arm mean.

Even though I can sort of read bits and parts it, I'll be able to understand it and read everything when the "time" comes. Quote mom and dad.

I found out myself that whenever I used one of EXO's powers, such as Water, or Strength, or Flight, a different symbol would light up on my right wrist everytime.

EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum