Her jaw drops. She turns back around, and smacks me on the arm again.
I ask," What was that for?"
Annabeth makes a duh face," For not telling me that freaking Thalia Grace is here, you idiot."
I roll my eyes," You sound like Piper."

Hermione stands up," Excuse me, would you mind introducing me?"
I open my mouth, only to be judo flipped by Annabeth.
She stares my down," You cannot be trusted to say something out of your mouth."
I shrug," Fair enough. Hermione, this is Lighting Girl."
Hermione nods," Her real name, perhaps?"
Annabeth gives me another cold stare," Thalia Grace, but she doesn't go by her mother's surname."
Hermione nodded," Thalia. Is your brother Jason? I believe he has the same surname as you."
Thalia nods," Yes, he is. Much better than Leo."
I gasp mockingly," You did not!"
Thalia snaps her fingers," Oh yes I did!"

^^^^^^Late in the Common Room^^^^^^^

Draco's POV

McGonagall lied. Not only did she manage to change my seating, with the worst people, she had also  made me sit at the Gryffindor tables at dinner. To top it off, I share quarters with the sea scum, mechanic, Potter, Weasel, Lighting Boy, and shape shifter. Sometimes I want to bash McGonagall in the head.

Harry's POV

That evil snake! He isn't pleased with our sleeping quarters, he isn't pleased with anything! He was mumbling about filthy Gryffindors and Slytherin superiority. That idiot! I never did finish my thoughts on the  cruelty McGonagall is putting the house through. An ear-splitting scream echoed throughout the Gryffindor quarters. Percy sat up immediately, and Leo, Frank, Jason and Percy murmured about something. Before leaving, Percy shot me a glare. That haunted me through the night .

Grace's POV

My dream was horrible.

I was running on the quidditch fields. Percy was tied in chains. Harry was too. I saw wizards fighting.  I saw Meg McCaffrey along with Lavender Brown. They were cackling. Demigods from camp fighting. Annabeth was dueling Meg, and Hermione dueling Lavender. Percy was trying to reach Riptide. He couldn't. Leo was trying to shield me from spells that were cast. The earth was swirling. The dirt formed a woman's face. Sleeping. Then it went black.
^^^^^^^^^^^^Dream Over^^^^^^^^^^^

Percy came bursting through the door, which is probably not allowed. He wrapped his arms around me.
"What happened, Grace?" He whispered
I hiccuped," Y-you were in ch-chains Percy. A-and Harry. Th-the ground had a s-sleeping face. F-f-fighting." I sobbed. I couldn't hold it in anymore. The girls were awake to and were trying to coax me back in to sleep, since Percy had to leave. Stupid head lady. I hid my face in Percy's shirt, listening to his heartbeat. It was fast. Very fast.
I mumble, only so that he could hear," I love you, Percy."
Percy doesn't respond. Instead, his heartbeat slows down a bit more. Knowing that my big brother is calm, I relax in his arms, and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Percy's POV

I know I have to talk about Grace's dream in the morning with everyone. The girls give me worried glances, but I brush them off. I lay Grace down in her bed, give Annabeth a peck on the cheek, and leave.

As I am walking back, I know we have a lot to talk about in the morning at breakfast. To do that, I have to smooth things over with Harry. That's gonna be fun (heavily noted sarcasm). I know he's my brother, but he made Grace cry. Granted, I haven't known Grace that long, but it was longer than Harry. I just want to keep her safe.

However, she's a demigod. Although we are freaking awesome, being safe is like asking Leo not to be crazy, after coffee and Skittles. Keep in mind, that coffee has to have a lot of caffeine and sugar. Stupid ADHD. Anyway, no matter how much I want to protect my little sister, I can only do so much.  On a completely unrelated note, I think I saw Thalia Grace walk into the girls sleeping area. Eh. Must be hallucinating.

Disclaimer- New thing in case you forget! (Inspired by PercabethFangirl1

Me: *Running into Percy* Hey Perce, can you do me a favor?

Percy: Do I get blue cookies afterwards?

Me: Fine. Whatever. Say the dam disclaimer.

Percy: Harsh! This person who wrote this book, is rather boring and NOT Uncle Rick, so she doesn't own any PJO/HOO.

Grace: She does own me though! Since I'm special and an OC! *sticks tongue out at Percy*

Percy: Yup. Where are the BLUE COOKIES?????

Leo: *stuffing blue cookie in his mouth*

Percy: Valdez!!!!

Me: *facepalms* Percy! There was two other things! Hermione!

Hermione: Oh hey, person who didn't mention me in chapter at all! Anyway, this girl is not Queen JK Rowling and does not own any Harry Potter.

Me: And?

Hermione: Nope. You have to get another person to say that.

Me: Fine. I'll get your-

Hermione: No spoilers!

Me: Annabeth!

Annabeth: Yeah? Just stopped Percy from killing Leo. AGAIN!

Me: Good job. Now say it.

Annabeth: Special shoutouts:
aimee120518 for adding this to you reading list
Jin_IS_MINE for voting
IvyThatsmyotpMiller for the follow
yessdoggosss for voting
Luna-Rivers for adding this to your reading lists
kelly86300 for the follow

Me: Great! Thank you for reading my book! Stay tuned til next time.

Word count: 1590 words

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