Chapter 15 - The Beast Inside

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Fa Mu Lan Point Of View

Today is a great day, for some reason from the time I woke up in Emperor's embrace I feel refresh and happy. It makes my daw colorful. I feel so lighthearted that whatever I do I do it with a smile. Even though we still have more patient today I don't feel tired.

The day comes to end fastly and its time for me to go home as I promise to the Emperor. I am cleaning all my things for treatment when suddenly someone speaks on my back "How is my beautiful cousin?".

Recognizing the voice I smile widely and face the guy "Ming what are you doing here? Oh my god, I miss you so much" I come to his welcome arms. "its been so long that I didn't see you."

Prince Ming of Ting Dynasty

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Prince Ming of Ting Dynasty

"How I miss you, my cousin. The others will be jealous that I have a chance to meet you." He said with a grin.

"Why are you here? Who comes with you?" I look on his back but I only see his eunuch and servants.

"They are not here, I come with my Imperial Mother here but she went to the Xian Palace." He said when he saw I am searching for anybody. "I come straight to you because I miss you so much."

With a wide smile, I offer him to go to Prince Zhen office. I want to make tea for him.

Ming is the fourth prince of Ting Dynasty. He is my cousin on my mother side. His father, the Emperor of Ting Kingdom, and my mother are siblings. Yes, my mother is a Princess of the Ting Dynasty, but that was before he married my father. My mother was set to marry the son of a powerful minister in their kingdom when she ran away with my father and get married to him. Because of what my mother did the Emperor then, my grandfather was so angry he made a decree to strip my mother her status and never set upon his land. Betrayed and ashamed that was my grandfather felt that time. Until on his dying breath, he was so angry with my mother that he said to kill my mother if she set her foot in his kingdom.

Nobody knows about my mother's past except the Ting Royal Family and some trusted friends. We are not allowed to tell anybody my mother status before. Once you are stripped of your status you will never take it back again. My mother and his brother only allowed to see each other outside the kingdom and not allowed to say their relationship. We are also not allowed, their kids, to disclose our relationship with each other.

If I am with them, Prince Ming and his brother we are often mistaken as a lover because nobody knows our blood relation the people assumed my cousins have interest in me as they act so close to me. Even we don't see each other every time we are very close, simply because only with them I can show my true identity. They know me and the prophecy and they accept without it without judging. Sometimes they used me and say I am their girlfriend so the ladies will stay away from them. Prince Ming is younger than me for one year but he is very tall that he looks like his older than me. Very handsome and a well-known womanizer. But that is just a rumor; the prince is a perfect gentleman. He never wants to play with the ladies for the reasons he doesn't like to hurt the likes of me or his only sister Princess Fei Hung.

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