Chapter 21

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Lines of sunlight glared through the windowpanes, kissing Jiwon's consciousness to life. Her awakening started with involuntary twitches behind her lids, before she fully blinked her eyes open, vision adjusting to the brightness.

Jiwon exhaled through her nose and sat up, drawing in as much strength as she could. Her attention then landed on her left hand, finding the needle still in place. Deliberately, she plucked it out and winced at the sudden prick.

Flashes from yesterday's events flooded her mind as she neared the door — Seconds of internal chiding and then nothing. Jiwon refused to entertain them further, aware it wouldn't change anything if she were to dwell.

Breakfast held silence, not a single word spoken, and only the minute sounds of utensils clinking were heard. Jiwon would glance up from her food from time to time to look at Yoongi, who seemed mindful of her stare, but purposely avoided eye contact.

And so the first spoken words between them that morning were:

"I'll wash the dishes."

— and —

"No. Just stay still."

Jiwon had no choice but do as told, considering the soft, yet firm voice Yoongi had used. She then left the kitchen.

Footsteps padded on the apartment tiles. Jiwon tugged on Yoongi's shirt that hung a little too loose on her slim figure; Smooth cotton graced her skin, fluttering her insides at the touch. She then halted in front of a brown piano and willed herself to sit down. Without much thought, she lifted the fallboard open. Her fingers ran through the keys and played a melody on their own accord, immersing Jiwon with each note she weaved.

At one point, she repeatedly pressed the keys of a familiar tune, the weight of her fingers an oscillation of rush and calmness. A tune she so dreaded to forget.

"Scenes from Childhood."

The melody faded, and Jiwon snapped her head up.


"Scenes from Childhood," Yoongi repeated, sliding into the space beside her. "That's what you were playing, but you missed some keys."

Yoongi brought his fingers to the keyboard and played the piece, casually throwing glances at Jiwon. The melody echoed throughout, pulsing down the depths of Jiwon's memory. Tears brimmed in her eyes. The realization dawned on her — that the last time she had heard this melody in its accuracy, the fragment of the voice she wished to hear once more, had been ages ago.

"You can sneeze on my shirt. I don't mind. Just don't return it when you do," Yoongi deadpanned and Jiwon nudged him on the ribs.

"I'm not crying," she defended, blinking upwards. "I just... I've been trying to find it. I've always played it so I don't forget. But it seems like I've been missing the actual note since then."

"Is it that important to you?"

"Very." Jiwon nodded. "Someone... special to me used that to lull me to sleep or comfort me."

Yoongi turned to her and jutted his chin at the piano keys, as if asking her to play. Giving him an unsure expression, Jiwon placed her hand atop the keys, yet before she could press on them, Yoongi's fingers found hers and positioned them on the right keys.

And so Jiwon began. From time to time, Yoongi would back her up or guide her. Each note followed by another, forming a soothing melody that reverberated way up the ceiling; a way of communication that need not require words, but connected hearts amidst their absence.

"So..." Yoongi trailed off as they finished the piece. "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm all good, better than last night," answered Jiwon.

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