kidnapped [two]

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jeongguk ran inside the house laughing loudly as his friend chases him, both holding two cans of silly sting. his mother stood in the kitchen as they bolted past her and outside the back door,"jeongguk! jimin! no shoes in the house!"

instead of a reply, they ran back inside covered in pink, yellow, blue, and green silly string while laughing hysterically. she sighed with a shake of her head, "shoes off or you'll be sleeping outside."

they did as told while giggling, taking the silly string off of each other before approaching the kitchen. jeongguk sat on a barstool while jimin leaned against the counter, both wearing just socks. "whatcha cookin'?" jeongguk asked with a cheeky grin.

"food." she replied sarcastically. jimin chuckled and her attention was directly pointed to him. "jimin, sweetie, how's your mother?"

"fine! she says thank you for the cookies by the way~" he smiled as he answered and she nodded, turning back to the stove before her eyes widen.

"did you lock the door?" she asked nobody in particular. jeongguk gave an eyeroll. "mom, stop worrying. nobody will come in here and rob us."

"its not about that. I've told you before, a boy got kidnapped-"

"and everyone forgot! so that kidnapper doesn't have relevance anymore!" he argued back before she turned to face her son with teary eyes.

"what about that poor boy?!" she yelled unintentionally, taking not only her son back but his best friend as well. "if he is still alive, he's been missing for eleven years and counting yet nobody seems to give a damn!"


"furthermore, everyone has forgotten about him! he hasnt seen his family in over a decade and he never g-got to meet his sibling!" her voice trembled as she ranted. "they reported the mother gave birth to a healthy baby girl." she said before turning back to the stove with sad eyes.

"s-so somebody has to remember him. that someone is me. they said his birthday is march nineth which is coming up in a few months. w-we'll celebrate for him." she sniffled as she mived the meet and vegtebles.

jeongguk sighed and stood up, going around jimin and behind his mother as he gave her a strong hug, "he'll be okay mama."

jimin wiped a tear from his face as he took out his phone and tried to distract himself but the loud beep of a truck scared him. he dropped his phone as he jumped and it landed directly on the ground, screen first.

he groaned as jeongguk went to see what the truck was, a pout forming on his lips when he saw the cracks. "my phone.."

"hey jimin, it looks like new neighbors!" jeongguk excidedly squealed while his mother cooked and his friend silently walked over while staring at his newly bought phone. "its trashed."

"lets go meet them." he more or so told jimin who was too busy with his phone to actually care about what the boy was saying, "dad's gonna kill me."

"invite them to dinner!" jeongguks mother called.

"okay! jimin-ssi! lets. goooo." jeongguk groaned before taking the others phone and tossing it on their couch, dragging the male outside. jimin closed the door behind them as jeongguk let go of his arm.

"wonder if theres any kids?" jimin asked, his head turned sideways as he stuck a hand in his pocket, the other going through his orange hair.

"hope so!" jeongguk chuckled before the two quickly went across the street and began looking for the new neighbors.

a boy with a an oversized hoodie and dark jeans left the house. he made his way towards the truck when he noticed the two teenagers standing there were smiles, "hello~" jimin waved.

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