I love you because you say things like fuckbuckets

Start from the beginning

"Exactly. Well, gotta go." She took my hand and twirled me.

I was wearing a flared skirt. Everyone knows that when you wear a flared skirt you need to twirl. Gwen obviously knew.

"Damn, I tried to do it hard enough so people'd see your underwear." She grinned.

"That's what she said. Wait, no. That didn't make sense." I pondered, raising my hand to my chin.

"You never make sense, fuckbucket." I guess that word was catching on.

"Your mom's a fuckbucket." I said lamely. As expected, Gwen started laughing like a dying seal because she has a horrible taste in humor.

With that we parted ways.

I'd skipped last period because I just didn't care enough. Plus, I wanted to go to Harvard early because I was meeting Chase at the library but the campus is huge so I had to look for it. My guess was that I'd lose my way about twenty times. Even though Chase had explained where it was.

I wasn't really listening when he had explained because he tends to move his hands when he talks and his hands were on my thigh. The guy hadn't even realised he was distracting me and I had been to stubborn to admit it.

When I arrived on campus I knew for a fact I was gonna lose my way. I almost ran up to a guy because he looked like Nate. It wasn't Nate though.

I was very proud it had only taken me fifteen minutes to get to the library. I was standing there like a carrot because you needed your student card to get in. Then why don't I just use my stu- Oh right, I didn't have one.

I turned around when it felt like someone was looking at me. I was expecting Chase but I didn't see anyone. He had texted me he'd be there in a minute and I told him I'd kick his ass if it were a minute and a second.

"Hey Jill." I wanted to say something back but Chase had pulled me into a bear hug so I just sniffed him instead like the creeper I am. "You look great." He said while kissing my forehead.

"Don't try to be cute by doing the forehead shit." I said when he had let go of me.

"God, you're so needy." He rolled his eyes playfully and gave me a kiss where I wanted one. Before you start thinking dirty thoughts, like the pervert you are, I meant lips.

"Why didn't you go inside?" Chase asked.

"Right, let me just take my student card." I deadpanned. He waited for a minute. The guy was waiting for me to actually take my student card. After a few seconds he facepalmed.

"Oh, right." He took his own card so we could finally go inside. Great start, might I add.

"Took you long enough, genius." I mumbled.

"I've got an amazing comeback but I can't tell you because we're in a library so we need to be quiet." He grinned. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but laugh.

The library was pretty crowded and I wasn't looking forward to being in a quiet room with people on the verge of a breakdown.

"Let's go see if there are any separate study rooms. We can talk there." Chase explained and I followed him like an overly attached puppy.

Chase checked a few rooms until we found one that was empty. It was a small room with a table, chairs and a computer. There were also a few books on a shelf. I could hear the ghosts of past students cry 'save me'.

"Study groups come here to study so they can talk freely without disturbing anyone." Chase said while sitting down at the table.

"Fun." I replied sarcastically. "So homework first and then my college stuff?" I asked. It pained me to say it. It really did.

The bad girl and the dorkWhere stories live. Discover now