There's my queen

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"PARTY!" Gwen shouted like a drunk caveman.

"Let me take that bottle from you" We were doing our little ritual before we went out but we drank a little more than we usually do. Not on purpose or anything, we were just having fun.

Friday came around quickly and I really had been looking forward to the party. It was another frat party because those were cheap and fun.

Code was coming too. We hadn't gone out together in a while which is weird since Code and I do pretty much everything together. And by everything I mean playing games and bug Bus and stuff like that. Lately he'd been hanging out with Jacob during the weekends so we hadn't gone out together in a while.

"You know, that dress really makes me doubt my sexuality" Gwen said while putting on her high heels. Ah yes, I was wearing the dress she had bought me for my birthday.

I prefer comfy clothes but I guess every once in a while you gotta dress sexy. Today was that day. I shouldn't have eaten that many tacos earlier. I felt bloated. Not a sexy feeling now is it?

"Until we get there and you ditch me for a hot college guy" I said while grabbing some clothes. I was gonna stay over at Code's place and there was no way I was gonna wear this tight dress longer than necessary.

"You know it. Mama needs some sugar" Gwen sang.

"No. Gwen. Just, no." You don't say stuff like that, even when you're not sober anymore. You just don't.

Gwen started giggling. Yep, okay, too much booze.

"I'm ready! Let's go" Gwen grabbed my hand and we left my room. Someone was eager.

We were all in the mood to go out actually.

When we arrived at Code's place he was already sitting on the porch. He graciously threw my bag with my pajamas and extra pair of clothes in the hallway without looking and closed the door.

Such a sweet guy.

Yesterday Code ran up to me, forcing me to tell the monkeypoo story. He said he had asked Chase over and over again and now he wanted to hear my version. As if that would've been an entirely different version.

Code was eating it up. He probably had been torturing Chase nonstop.

I was jealous. I wanted to torture too.

"So where's the party at?" Code asked us. To be honest, I had no idea. Gwen always seemed to know where we were going. I never questioned it.

"It's the same place Jill and I went to last time." Gwen said excitedly.

"Was that the party where she got her piercing?" Code asked. Oh, now I remembered. That was a great party. Well, I think. Not sure.

I nudged Code in his ribs.

"Just so you know, if you get drunk and someone wants to give you a piercing, I'm not stopping them" I fake glared at Code. He just laughed at that. I honestly didn't think he'd mind if he'd wake up  with a piercing.

"Hey what about me?" Gwen pouted.

"Well you probably would get a nipple piercing and I'm not going anywhere near that" We all laughed at that joke. Even though we weren't sure if it was a joke. I could see that happening for sure.

When we arrived the party was in full force. It always was because we left quite late. I didn't see anyone I knew but I did see some familiar faces. You know, those people that go to every party but you never talk to.

Without looking at each other we all automatically went to the drinks. That's friendship telepathy for you. Or thirst.

An hour later Gwen was nowhere to be seen and Code was sitting on the couch talking to some people. I was heading over to Code after my refill.

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