•Fire & Ice•

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Her body was bare and that was very odd, I spun her around to check and I still didn't see the mark. It was unheard of for someone to live in the Ernesto house without the binding mark.

I looked at her face and her eyes were hard as steel, she knew what I was searching for and I know that she was cooking up a defence in her pretty little head.

As far as I could remember my father was a very difficult man, my mother told me that the day I was born he had insisted that the symbol should be crested on my tender skin. My mother pleaded all she could but he didn't care that I was a newborn.

I felt the upperparts of my right arm and the roughness reminded me that I still had that cursed symbol on me, so how did she manage to stay here without been discovered?

I threw her discarded clothing at her briskly. "Get dressed, we have a lot to talk about."

She eyed me carefully but didn't say a word as she wore her outfit. I didn't like being in stupid situations like this, even though I don't support my father's decisions I still needed to protect these people that have worked for him.

Her soft yet angered voice rang through the now quiet room. "Now that you know I don't belong here, at least in the way that you'll like, what do you plan on doing with me?"

That was the problem, I don't know what I should do, she could stay here but that would be a threat to the others and if I send her away I don't know if she'll be lenient enough to keep quite, for the sake of these people.

"I don't know what to do with you Darling Vixen, but I want you to know that to be part of this family you need the mark which obviously you don't. I don't trust your presence here because you could be a threat to all of us."

Her eyes turned cold like I had accused her wrongly. "I didn't want your mark on my body because I didn't choose this life jerk! What do you think? That I chose to be a stripper? Huh? My whole life was stripped away from me because of this stupid place!"

Her eyes shown brightly as she yelled at the top of her beautiful voice. She was a stubborn woman and I knew I was going to have a hard time dealing with her.

"I don't care how you winded up here Darling, obviously you enjoyed what you do here because only moments ago you were about to show me how good you were. what I am concerned about is the fucking safety of what my father left behind."

At my utterance I saw the sadness in the dept of her eyes but I couldn't let that cut me short because I wasn't done yet, she had to hear it all. "You are going to have that symbol Vixen, or you be ready to leave this place."

Even though she was hurt the defiance was clear in her voice as she replied aggressively. "I rather die than lose the only thing that this place hasn't stolen from me."

She moved closer to me and that was when I realised how small she truly was. A delicate being that needed protection."I will be out of your hair tomorrow morning pretty boy, but I have to say a big thank you for giving me what I have always wanted. My freedom."

I watched her as she left the private room. I could tell that she was very hurt but I didn't do anything to stop her. I release a sigh that I have been holding in when I remembered the lengthy paperwork that I had to attend to.

I moved tiredly to my dad's office which automatically was now mine, the place needed a renovation because it reminded me of my father's impenetrable personality, the walls were a dark gray and the ceiling needed a new touch, his desk was the out of style and it looked like I had gone back in time, most preferably the 60's.

As I sat on the only seat in the office, a rapt knock came through. "Yeah, who's it?" I asked.

The person on the other side didn't reply but instead pushed her way in all the while staring daggers at me. I had seen this particular female around and something told me that I had seen her before.

"Please introduce yourself and state how I may be of help to you." I said steadily into the green eyes that threatened to burn into my skull anytime soon.

"My name is Tanya, you may not remember me because it had been a long time since we saw each other."

As she spoke I began to remember who she was, she and my mother had been pretty close before I left home. "I remember you Tanya, you were my mother's closest friend. What do I owe this visit?"

"I didn't come here for your help in anyway, I only came to you because I spoke with Amara and she told me what you did to her. I am not countering your judgement but what you did as horrible!"

I sat stunned as this woman poured out her heart and I had not even a single idea about what she was talking about. "What are you talking about Tanya? Who is Amara and what did I do to her?"

At my question her eyes opened wide in shock like she had messed up real bad. She cleared her throat audibly.
"I am talking about Vixen, she came into the changing room quite in distress and when I asked her what went down, she told me she was leaving."

I smiled smugly as I now knew her name. "What then do you need to know Tanya?Vixen or should I say Amara told you all you needed to know."

Tanya flinched and I knew I had the upper hand in this conversation. "No, she didn't tell me everything and that's why I am here. I want you to tell me where you expect her to go to at this point? She doesn't have anything waiting for her in the outside world."

"She didn't say that, actually she was pretty excited to be leaving. Do not fret Tanya, Amara made a choice, and she'll have to live with it." I said with finality.

Tanya shook her head adamantly. "She doesn't know what she is doing! You have to stop her Sebastian, she needs you and you need her too."

I scoffed loudly. "What do I need her for Tanya? I don't know her so she's basically a stranger to me."

"Yeah, a stranger who knows everything about this business and how it works and you don't! If you don't do something fast, you'll regret not stopping her son, you will."

Tanya's last words rang in my head even after two hours later. I couldn't understand why she wanted me to stop Amara, if the girl needed help she would have just accepted the mark and stay.

I wasn't going to stop her, she made her choice.

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