•A promotion? •

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   The office was buzzing with activities, it was the first day of the merry month, December, and the air was filled with excitement. I sent the last mail totally ignoring the presence that was all over me like a black cloth. I  switched off my laptop and headed for the lunch room, since the death of my mother and my breakup with Maxwell, I hadn't been eating fine but today I heard my stomach rumble and I grinned like a Cheshire cat.

I was healing.

The lunch room was almost full but I managed to grab a snack and a chair. As I settled in my seat Diane spotted me and joined me with her tray.
"Here I picked something for you." She offered me the cup of juice.

I smiled at the sweetness of her action. "Thank you, I really needed a drink."

Diane only smiled back and dug into her food.

"So how's work going for you?" I asked quite interested.

She just shrugged. "It's the usual Amara, I have to double check everything I do, at least a hundred times a day."

I drank from my cup and nodded in understanding.

"What about you, Amara? How are you coping with Romina?"

"I am trying, I just do my job which is required of me that's all. It's not like Romina and I have to become buddies in order to work together."

Diane laughed a little at my comment.

   The time went by fast and soon lunch was over, so we returned to our cubicle and resumed work.

Just before closing time, Martins called for me and all the way to his office I racked my brain to think of any possible reason why he would want to see me. Had Romina told him something?

The bitch better not be a snitch!

Soon I arrived at his office and knocked on his door, his useful raspy "come in" rang through.
I entered the office and glanced around briefly. "Good day sir, you asked to see me."

Gerald Martins motioned for me to sit.  " I called you in here because I want to discuss something important with you."

I only nodded. If I was sitting here in my boss's office then we certainly weren't here to gossip over tea and biscuits, something important was up.

Gerald smiled a little and I winced. Damn! He shouldn't be smiling at me like that, what was he up to this time? I couldn't wrap my head around anything, and I hadn't even a single clue.

"I am giving you a promotion Amara Collins." Gerald said with excitement.

My heart soared and a huge grin broke through my lips, I started to ask him what level when he continued.

" You are going to work in the construction room. You have the brains and I trust your capacity. What do you say?"

My heart sank in disappointment, the construction room! I had never gone there and I never cared enough to know what went on in there.

"Sir I feel honoured that you are offering me such a great position but I can't accept it. I am not fit for such job."

Gerald's smile broadened.

"I know how you feel Amara, but listen up, it pays more than the job you currently have. You also work in shifts unlike the one you have now. And in the construction department your main work will be recording of stocks used, total number of goods produced and distributed."

I sat still and didn't say a word, he was trying to bait me but it wasn't working.

Gerald Martins continued. "I won't give you much task on your first week, which Starts next week."

That got me talking.

I shook my head vehemently. "But sir, I .."

"You are perfect for the job do not argue with me. If you are not interested then hand in your resignation letter first thing Monday morning. Have a good evening Amara."

I stood up like a zombie and zombie-walked out of his office, I should be happy that I would be making more money every month but the dread that settled at the pit of my stomach was so thick and heavy.

It didn't even let me smile.

     Everything was a blur as I drove through the night. I felt like crying but what would I be crying for? I was having something anyone could dream of, a promotion with all the perk that comes with it. Who the hell was I kidding!
I tried to smile once again but it didn't feel right.

On reaching my house, I changed up and turned on the T.v, then I settled in my dark purple couch with a bowl of ice cream.
As Friday the 13th played on my 3D screen I couldn't shake off the feeling that my own monster had just awakened and it was coming for me.

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