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    The mug I was bringing to my lips stopped halfway as I read the front page of the daily Newspaper, my blood ran cold and I felt a pain in my head. The mighty business man whom all feared and respected had died?

Rosa came into the living room and looked at me squarely, I didn't need anyone to tell me that she'd read the paper. She had always encouraged me to keep an open mind with my father but I had brushed the subject aside whenever she brought it up.

Her perfume wafted into my nostrils as she came and stood by me. I looked at her pretty face and she was shaking her head slowly, I could tell that she was mad at me but she wouldn't understand what I had gone through and so I didn't blame her.

She moved to collect the paper from my hands and I passed it to her silently, she felt the headline with her thumb, and I almost didn't hear her say. " What are we going to do Sebastian?, This news is everywhere and we need to think fast."

Rosa had always treated me like her little brother while ironically I was older than her, she never let's me handle my problems without getting involved.

There was nothing to think about in this situation, the only thing I had to worry about is finding a suitable place for I and Rosa to move to.

"Rosa, I don't think we have anything to do here." I say as I collected and folded the paper so that she could look at me.
"What I need to do is to figure out a good hiding place so that none of those assholes can find us." I said hurriedly.

"What the hell Sebastian!" She shrieked angrily.
" What do you mean you need to find a good hiding place! What we need to do at this point is go home!"

I pushed and dragged my hair in confusion as those words left her mouth, I didn't go home for fifteen years and I wouldn't  go  now because my shitty father is dead. I needed to make her understand that what she was asking for was too much.

"Ros! Listen to me, we don't go back we go forward, that's our motto right? This incident would be forgotten in a week and everybody would go about their business like nothing happened. Why do you want us to go back to that place of doom and bondage, huh?" I ask angrily.

"Yes! it was a place of bondage, yes! it was a horrible place for you to have been born into, yes! Your father was all about his business and never put the family first.  But now you have the opportunity to make it a better place Sebastian, through your leadership and yet you and are turning it down and acting like a pu*ssy!" She finished and shook violently.

I had never seen Rosa this angry before, I looked at her like she had suddenly sprout horns.

As I saw the tears that she was fighting to hold back I hated myself even more, she was the closest to family that I have got yet I made her cry. I felt my pocket for my keys,
but it wasn't there.
I wore my shoes hurriedly and yanked my keys hard from the metal stand it was hanging on by the door, I needed to get out of here so I could breath just fine.

As I turned on the ignition, the noise drowned Rosa's cry and I drove madly out of the parking lot.


Two days later.

    "Sebastian, I hope you know the road just fine?" Rosa grumbled from the side seat for the hundredth time.

I nodded my head trying so hard to concentrate while navigating through the curves and bends. I have already regretted my decision and hoped that it didn't cause me and Rosa anymore problem.

"I know just where to go Rosa, I grew up around here, and it's high time you stop talking, it's making my ears ring."

Rosa threw me a bewildered look, I knew my words was having an effect on her but it was the only way to shut her up. For the rest of the ride she didn't say a word and I felt like an idiot but I couldn't let my mind drown in that, my father's abode was the last place I wanted to visit but here I am, driving steadily to the lion's den.

In no time, I saw the big mast up ahead and I knew that we were close, I looked at Rosa but she wasn't looking my way. Her face was set in a deep scowl, I would need to buy her those chocolates she loved so much in order to gain her forgiveness this time.

I drove straight to the gate and the electronic gate rolled open. For a second I dreaded driving in but I held the staring and drove the wheels through.

The compound looked just the same since the last time I was here, the big trees still looked in good shape, the flowers still vibrant, the pools looked clean. I didn't know what I was expecting to see but certainly not this.

I drove the car to the drive way and parked with a sudden jolt that got Rosa looking at me enquiringly. I took my eyes from her face and my gaze landed on the four men standing stoic and proud in front of the mansion.

I chuckled a little at the look they gave me, I have been through a lot, seen a lot, and these four men with all the threatening look they could muster, looked like the kind of fun I needed in this stupid place.

I left my seat and opened Rosa's door for her to step out, she appeared beside me and we both walked up to the men, when we reached them, I looked at their faces closely and picked the one with a scar on his greasy face.

" Take me to my father's office, now".

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