the overpass

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the overpass

in high school

is the place of

sorting out hormones, feelings, 

and other bits of dramatic conversation.

"you don't need to worry about them right now,"

taking your hand in the dark

and squeezing it tight

as you hold your phone in the other

the world fading out as you

stare through the glass.

But you tighten your grip.

There may be windows on

all sides yet

the branches encapsulating the

courtyard below and

the emptiness of classes after dark

gives us a semblance 

of peace

and privacy

and you pull me into a hug

and thank me,

thank me for everything I did and 

how I said exactly what was right

and I smile gratefully, selfishly

even though all I did

was tell you the truth.

sometimes that's all it takes.

Park Benches and PolaroidsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя