my perfect coping mechanism

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"It gets me worried when you run space out and run six miles instead of three. But I admire that about you."

"She's been our leader and number one runner all year. The girls follow her lead in the race."

"We were driving by and we were like 'is that Zoe? Running on the path?' and then later you told us you went out and we we freaked out about it."

"You speed up for 30 seconds, slow down for a minute, and then sprint for 20 seconds. You're all over the place. And win all those races! I don't know how you do it."

I found that

when I am stressed

my mile time






in two weeks.

It took me over a year

a multitude of strength 

and an illness that

almost destroyed me

to realize

I didn't have to run

alone anymore.

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