// Frightening Message //

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Slow breathing is like an anchor in the midst of an emotional storm: the anchor won't make the storm go away, but it will hold you steady until it passes

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Slow breathing is like an anchor in the midst of an emotional storm: the anchor won't make the storm go away, but it will hold you steady until it passes.

~ unknown

A loud smack was heard through the elevator as Stiles tried to wake the unconscious Derek Hale. After Scott had left with Deucalion, Bree and Stiles made their way off the roof to make sure Derek was still alive. Although, she wasn't sure how far Stiles would get in his attempts to wake up the werewolf, she thought he would have woken up sooner. Stiles' hand came down on the Hale's face again.

"Derek?!" Stiles shouted, "Derek, come on!"

Bree leaned forward on her knees, saying, "Let me try."

Backing up a bit, Stiles watched as Bree's green eyes shifted to amethyst and gold, her hand hovering above Derek's chest. She concentrated on heating up her hand before trying to wake him with burns. Thankfully, Derek's eyes popped open, clutching her wrist inches away from him, a terrified look on his face. The teenagers sighed in relief, the heat from Bree's hand retreating and her eyes flickering back to their usual forest green.

Derek seemed a little out of it as he looked around the box they were in. "Where is she?"

"Jennifer?" Stiles panted, "Gone with Scott's mom."

Confusion was all over Derek's face as he questioned, "She took her?"

Bree could see Stiles getting worked up over everything that was happening as he informed, "Yeah, and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion, okay? So we gotta get you out of here. The police are coming right now, and we gotta get you the hell out of here."

He held out his hand for Derek to grab, hoisting the wolf to his feet. "What about Cora?"

"She's safe, she's with the Argents and Isaac," Bree assured, flinching a bit as the lights flickered on and off.

"And Peter," Stiles added, "Look, I'll hold off the cops while you two get out of here."

Whipping around to face him, Bree disagreed, "I'll stay with you."

They exited the elevator, Derek standing a few feet away from them as Stiles' hands wrapped over the photographer's shoulders.

"No, you should go with Derek," he nodded towards the wolf, "Figure out what Allison and her dad are planning next. I'll catch up."

"Stiles," she sighed, "I don't think you should-"

He interrupted, "I'll be okay," before he did something that shocked the both of them.

He placed a quick kiss on her lips, their eyes widening at the same time before they noticed cops filing in.

"Go," Stiles whispered, jogging off in his own dorky manner to the front of the hospital.

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