"Auntie BB!" "Sissy!" They yelled as they hugged me and I bent down and hugged them just as tight.

"Hey babies, I'm gonna go say hey to Ava's daddy and Richard, I'll be back and we can play tea party when I'm done talking to my moms."I said and it just sounded wired but I shrugged it off.

I walked into my room and saw Brandon laying on my bed with his hands behind his head watching tv. I sneakily grabbed a pillow and hit him in the head with it.

"Yo what the fuck!" He yelled looking around and when he saw me he smirked and grabbed the other pillow and we just start hitting each other until he hit me too hard.

"Ouch B! That shit hurt." I said mugging him and rubbing my head that he almost knocked off my shoulders

"Awee I'm sorry sis." He said and hugged me but I hugged him back cause I missed him, after I talked with him for a while I said hey to uncle rich then went down stairs to my parents. And sat on the love seat across from them.

"Bey, your mother wanted to talk to you alone, but I want to talk to you separately later." Venessa said and I nodded

"So bey, Nessa and I were talking about you-."

"Why?" I cut her off and she cleared her throat

"Because I wanted to know about you but you weren't here to tell me. And don't cut me off again." She said sternly and I nodded. "I'm not about to beat around the bush I have a serious question." She said and I raised my eyebrow

"What happened to you when I was unconscious?" She asked and I looked away from her, I didn't really want to tell her but I thought she knew really. I just hated saying it out loud

"Well um- I w- I don't want to talk about it." I said then looked down at my hands

"Did Mathew do something to you?" She asked and I looked up at her and slowly nodded and I felt my eyes burning threatening to drop some tears.

"Beyoncé what did he do to you?" She pressed with a stern voice.

"I don't want to talk abo-

"I didn't ask all that, tell me what the fuck he did so I can kill his ass when he gets out." And I quickly looked up at her and I felt my heart drop to my ass. All the fear of that day started coming to me I could feel myself starting to panic.

I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted jay saying I need him because I knew I was about to have a panic attack I could feel it slowly arising. My phone buzzed back but I didn't answer because I needed her to answer this question

"When does he get out?" I asked shakily

"In a 6 months for good behavior, now I need to know what he did to you so tell me." She said seriously and I sighed shakily, everything was shaking I was scared.

"He- he raped me, and beat me momma." I said crying feeling myself get over whelmed I was breathing hard and I already knew what would happen

"HE DID WHAT?!" She said standing up and I looked down then back up at her crying hard. I guess Brandon herd and came downstairs

"What's going on? Why is she crying?" Brandon asked immediately and came over to me trying to comfort me but I wanted jay.

As soon as I thought that I herd a knock at the door and Brandon went to go get it

"Where is bey?" He immediately asked and I guess Brandon showed him where I was and he rushed over to me putting one hand on my cheek and the other on my back.

"Listen baby breath for me." He said coaching me. "Follow me, try to match my heart beat." He said putting my hand on his chest and I did that. "Your Okay baby nothings going to happen to you." He said and I calmed down and sighed shakily while still crying a bit.

"Tell me what happened." He said calmly and I bit my lip and looked around.

"My father is getting out in a couple of months and I'm scared jay. I've felt safe ever since he was locked up but now I feel like he's going to be out to get me or something. I'm just so scared." I said as he rubbed my back and looked me in the eyes

"Baby I'm not going to let anything happen to you, trust me. I told you I'm not gonna let shit like that happen to you again and I meant that shit. So hear me when I say there's nothing to be worried about." He said reassuringly and I believed him.

"Okay." I whispered. "I trust you." I said looking into his eyes and I think that's the moment when I fully put my trust in him. Like I just felt something come over me and I knew it was love. I just love him so much.

"Baby." I herd my mom say and I broke eye contact with jay to look at her. She had tears rolling down her face and she opened her arms for me to come to her and I did.

"That's why you needed me so much. I'm sorry I'm so sorry bey. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm going to kill him I swear as soon as he gets out." She whispered and I just buried my face in her neck.

"I love you baby I'm sorry." She said and I sighed

"I love you too momma." I finally said

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