Chapter Twenty-One

Começar do início

"Maybe this is a mistake." Luke started.

"What is?"

"Staying here. I'm torn." he looked down thoughtfully. "I'm still trying to convince myself that I shouldn't follow you."

"Your life is here now." I assured him.

"My life is wherever you are."

"Don't be like that Luke." I shook my head. "Today, I saw the exact reason why you can't leave LA. Did you see all those fans? They adore you, almost as much as I do." I smiled at him in return for a smirk.

"Anyway, I wouldn't let you leave. You have all this," I looked around the enormous house and down upon the city, "You can't even compare this to dreary Melbourne. It's a no brainer." I over exaggerated. Luke avoided eye contact and tried to take my words to heart, although I could see he was still not convinced.

As much as I dreamed of staying with Luke, I didn't want to be the reason why he wasn't doing what he loved for people that loved him just as much back.

I swam closer to where he was, winding my arms around his body as he still held himself up on the edge.

"I don't want you feeling bad. This is what I want for you, and I know it's what you really want too."

Luke sighed and lowered himself down, hugging me back and ducking me under.

"Are you sure?" he chuckled.

"100 percent." I giggled as he briefly pulled me under with him again. We surfaced laughing and swam back to the edge where we could compose ourselfs. As Luke held the small of my back and kissed my forehead it hit me just how much this separation would torture me.



"Airport please." I told the taxi driver as I watched my apartment become smaller and smaller as we distanced further. I wiped a tear that fell from my eye. I had been crying all morning, I could barely sleep last night. My phone buzzed and I instantly knew who it was.

'We're here. Take your time, you've got ages x'

Luke and the boys were already there as I should've been, but I just couldn't seem to justify that I was really leaving LA. I got up ridiculously early, getting ready and packing the last of my things before Paige dropped in for one last goodbye. Although we had seen each other last night for my farewell dinner we tried to make the most of the small amount of time we had left. Leaving my friends was heartbreaking but leaving Luke again was even worse. It was exhausing and just downright painful. I couldn't spend my last night with him. I couldn't bare the thought of waking up to see his sad face as I packed up the last of my belongings, or his stressed glance as I cried every time that I looked at the clock, and I certainly could not stand feeling the stabbing pain everytime he begged me to stay with tear filled eyes.

As we pulled up at the airport, I could see Beau, Luke and Kaitlyn there, ready to help me with my stuff, I only had a few suitcases, the rest was already sent back to Australia.

"Hi," I breathed as I stepped out of the cab, trying to sound at least half okay. Easily seeing that I had been crying, Beau tenderly rubbed my back before assisting with the luggage. Luke's tired eyes made me want to comfort him and assure him that we would make it through this. But the truth was we were back to square one- again, and we were out of options. Again.

Without a word, Luke engulfed me in a hug that I wished could've lasted a life time.

"Let's get you checked in." he smiled slightly. Taking my hand in his, we did just that, sitting around after and waiting for my flight to be called. Beau and Kaitlyn waited around with us for a while before they wished me a teary goodbye. It sucked that not only would I be going home without Luke, but I wouldn't have my best friend in Melbourne with me anymore.

It was half an hour before I needed to board the plane when Luke's brave face disappeared.

"Ruby you don't need to leave."

"Luke," I sighed, we been over this too many times. "I've built a life and a career in Melbourne."

"We can build a life together here, I can look after you. You'll quickly find your feet I promise." he said almost frantically.

"I'm about to board, don't do this to me." I begged. Luke turned away. "Come on, you know this was inevitable." With a deep breath Luke turned back to me with an arm around my shoulders.

"Theres a plane waiting for its best cargo" Luke winked making me chuckle. With a quick kiss on my cheek we were up and heading towards the gate. It was still a pretty big wait even once I was in the line and I knew the smaller it got the harder leaving would be.

"You know I think it might be easier if you leave now, I'll be fine from here." I looked up at Luke.

"Yeah, that might be best." He said unsure, still just standing there.

"Do I get a hug?" I laughed. Luke snickered and pulled me close, his scent hitting me for the last time and his strong arms held me close to his body tighter than usual. As much as I wanted to hold on, I had to pull myself away. Luke held my hand in his and stared at me sadly.


"Bye." I managed to squeak. And with true, heartfelt meaning, Luke looked me directly in the eyes, speaking confidently.

"I love you, Ruby" My breath hitched in my throat and everything suddenly became ten times harder to cope with.

"I love you too." And with that, he walked away without such as a glance back, leaving me completely breathless.

Meant To Be? *Janoskians Fan-Fic* (Sequel to Meant To Be)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora