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Troye Sivan

A beautiful ceremony, a yellow daffodil tucked into my suit pocket, and water cascading down my hands as I prepare myself to go back into the party. Hiding out in the loo is kind of my thing now. Social interaction can become... interesting, to say the least, when you're just one twinky man with a past. Family can't get enough of it.

I send Jacob a text saying I wish he was here, mostly just to distract myself from my thoughts, and send him a kissy selfie to which he sends a doodled on version of himself back. He so easily earns a smile from me and I tell him I'll be heading over in an hour or so, whenever I can escape from this lovey-dovey stuff, get to my own fairytale. Not to be ungrateful, of course, seeing Sage happy with the one she loves couldn't bring me more joy. She means the world to me.

"Tok? You okay in there?" Mum asks and I sigh, turning off the taps.

I dry my hands and open the door, offering a smile to her. It's her three year anniversary of sobriety today, her accomplishments fill me with a pride I never knew I could feel until now.

"I'm fine. Are you alright? Doing well?" I question to which she smiles brightly to.

"Oh, I'm great. We're all having fun, you're missing some party." She responds, glancing down the hall to the ballroom of dancing bodies then back to me.

"Well then, care to dance?" I ask sweetly, holding my hand out.

She nods, "Of course."

And so we make our way back to the music, swaying around and twirling to the rhythm until we can't feel our toes anymore. I even got a dance with the groom, to which Sage stole him from me, but I got a good two minutes of glory. When I say glory I mean I may have to admit to shaking my ass in front of another man that isn't Jacob, if he really needs to know.

When I'm kissed on the cheek goodbye by my mum and sister, my hands shake in exhilaration for the moments ahead of me. Baby, I'm coming.


a/n: that isn't the last time he'll be saying that today :') i'll try to have another chapter out today because this one is super short so see u again soon angels

come home 🥀 sequel to sued into submission 🥀 tracobWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt