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two years ago.

"Good morning!! And welcome to today's top news on the Jacob Bixenman X Troye Sivan love scandal." The reporter speaks with a smile, gesturing over to the million dollar mansion that belongs to none other than Jacob Bixenman.

In the upstairs bedroom you can see the curtains moving ever so subtly, signalling that someone is home. This is just great, a great scoop. It will get tonnes of press.

"Troye Sivan, fired from Bixenman not months ago, returns back to work at Bixenman Inc, wearing a Topman suit holding hands with hubba hubba Jacob."

"Today we stand here to ask of the lovers to simply talk with us, give us more information on this relationship."

And on a megaphone, he shouts, "Troye Sivan, please step outside. Troye Sivan, please step outside."

Troye Sivan

Waking up from a reminder of an old time-like dream, I don't open my eyes yet, hiding my face deeper in my duvet. I'm not ready to face the world. The world... Men... Shit. Jacob Bixenman in my bed.

I move my leg around the mattress to feel for him, not finding a warm body. I sigh and force myself to come from hiding, opening my achy eyes and lifting my face. He's not there, he's sat in the chair a good two metres away, face fallen to the side as he sleeps. It's charming, making my heart do all kinds of tricks.

I miss this.

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