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Troye Sivan

Knees pressed together, feet bouncing on the floor, and fingers fidgeting in my lap, I wait patiently in this chattery office. It's all light conversation, thankfully, women going about their days and making small jokes worth a smile. I see Jaira, my therapist, through the window and stand up.

"Troye." She greets me at the door with a fond smile, stepping aside and gesturing for me to follow her to her office.

"Hi." I pip out.

We walk down the hall side to side and I ask her how she is, her responding lightly, never too rambly like myself. Arriving at her door, I walk in and sit down on her purple little sofa she added to her room not long ago. She closes the door behind herself and gets settled down at her desk, picking up her notepad, and pushing her blue hair from her view.

Shes dressed much more relaxed than most of the people that work here, always being the calmest and most laid back of everyone I've met. She's a gentle soul I've gotten to know over time and grown fond of. I appreciate her and her effort to our journies through life.

"So how are you?" She asks, the light sound of her calming music playing in the room, making me feel at ease.

"I'm okay. I uh- saw Jacob again last night." I speak, a bit anxious to tell her such things.

She doesn't read nor watch the news, she doesn't read into tabloids. She wouldn't possibly know of last night unless I told her.

She returns a shocked expression, "Oh, and how was that?"

I smile, "It was nice, but I got a call from my sister telling me to stop showing my arse to the paps... I only flipped off like three cameras."

"So it's public that you two were together?" She questions, "How do you feel about that?"

I shrug, "Well, I mean... it wasn't the plan but I knew it would happen eventually. I guess it's better to get it over with... it's not like they're going to all come back worse than ever. I'm old news."

"This isn't two years ago, I'm not in love with Jacob and he's not in control of me. Things are different... and I'm glad they are." I add.

She nods in understanding, "That's good, I'm glad you're okay with things changing."

"And things with Jacob? Are you two still talking today?" She asks, knowing he can disappear for weeks at a time like it's nothing.

"He's busy this morning but we plan to video chat this evening. I've got some great news for him."

She raises a brow with a smile, "And that is?"

"My sister, Sage, is having her wedding in Notting Hill next week. I plan to visit him, you know, switch things up a little bit." I explain, unable to help the giddy feeling I get in my chest when I think about it. When I think about him.

It feels too good to be real, but I believe it. That night when I hear my laptop ringing, I run to my balcony where I left it and quickly sit down, getting comfortable in my black robe and pressing accept.

"Hiii," I can't hold myself back from saying, smiling up at the screen as my bloodshot eyed beauty appears. He looks tired and I find myself worrying about him so easily, it's hard to conceal behind my smile.

"Hey, baby." He says with a lazy smile, holding his head up with a hand as he leans on his work desk.

"How's it going?" He asks, eyes squinting at me.

"Very well, I come with splendid news today." I pause and look him up and down again, "How about you? Are you well?"

He shrugs, "I'm surviving. Work has been wearying."

"What's this good news?" He questions.

"I don't know- um, if this is a good time. I want to make sure you're okay-"

"I'm fine, it's okay." He counters, "What is it, darling?"

And I breathe in infatuation tightly, eyes twinkling at him.

"Make a reservation for us next Sunday, you're taking me to dinner." I speak in a small voice, a nervous smile plastered upon my face.

He crooks his head to the side in confusion but twitches his lips up, "Is that so?"

I nod, "Mhm, I will be at your house shortly after Sage's wedding ceremony."

"Consider it done." He pronounces, "Anything you have in mind?"

"An extra seat in your favourite spot in your garden," I pip.

"I meant for dinner, but I accept that answer as well." He responds smoothly, making me let out an oh and a nervous titter.

"Anywhere with vegan options. Go wild."

"Far out," The beaming boy boasts, the sound of his mobile ringing filling the short silence that followed.

He glances at his mobile and his smile drops, him breathing in sharply and giving me a sorrowful look, "One moment, I'm sorry."

I wave him off and sit back in my chair, watching as he presses accept and brings his mobile to his ear.

"Jacob Bixenman speaking." He presents.

I couldn't possibly hear the other line unless he had in on speaker so I simply wait for him to finish. It's not like I have anything better to do right now.

"Again, I will have nothing to do with this lawn service. I'm out. Stop calling this phone."

And I can't help but find myself suspicious, yet there's not a thing I can do about this feeling. It is not my place to say anything more than support for him. He hasn't proven to me otherwise again, yet.

He sets his mobile down and spares another pitying look, "Sorry."

"Back- back to what we were saying. Um- how have things been today? You mentioned therapy this morning." He stammers, deeming himself a bit... off today? Lack of sleep can do that to someone I suppose.

I nod, "Yes, it went well today... We spoke about you."

"Did you now?" He questions with his brows raised, clearly amused.

"What'd you say?" He asks, "Does she hate me?"

I give him a playfully offended look and shake my head, "Of course not. You're my- well, what are you?"

"She doesn't hate you," I add.

I tear my eyes away from the screen and look out at the pasteled sun setting sky, admiring the beauty.

"What do you want me to be, Troye?" Jacob inquires.

I look back into those big brown eyes and feel my heart melt, and I don't know how he does that to me.

"I don't know yet, but I want you to myself this weekend. You're mine." I speak with newfound confidence in the powerful feeling of joy surging through my chest. a/n: whoever quotes animal first gets a cookie (or another chapter if u yell at me)(gently)

"You are all that I owe that too." He smiles, "I look forward to Sunday."

And as did I, preparing mentally and physically all week. Hit the gym, smoked my lungs to dust, and even shaved for crying out loud. I feel like a new boy.

Just a few days, my love, I'll be in those arms.


a/n: ur curly haired bitch misses you. how are you?

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