Chapter 17

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Alex pov

All night doctors have come in and out updating us on her surgery. She's been in surgery all night. She broke her leg in 3 places and broke 2 ribs. I'm worried sick. Thats the girl of my dreams.

I start to think about all our memories together.

We have a free day today. We are in Oklahoma. They actually have more hills then expected. Which is perfect. I'm taking Jade on a date tonight. I'm 'on my way to get her' from Jack's hotel room to ours. I am dressed in a blink 182 tee with a red and blue flannel with black ripped jeans and some vans. Nothing too fancy.

I get to our room and knock on the door waiting patiently for her to answer the door. I look down at the bouquet of lilies I have in my hand. What if she thinks flowers is too much? What if she hates my outfit? What if my hair looks bad? What if she decides she doesn't wanna go on this date? What if she decides she's done with me and breaks my heart and slams the door in my face?

I get drawn out of my thoughts by the door opening up showing my beautiful... Rian?

I'll take it. Ok kidding...

"Rian what are you doing in here?" I ask worriedly. "Dude chill, she needed some help with her outfit and Cass is out looking for a supermarket." I calm down a little bit. He smiles at the bouquet of flowers in my hand. "Where is she Dawson?" I ask. "In the bathroom. Chill out."

As if on cue, she walks out. She looks stunning. She's wearing a yellow crop top with black skinny ripped jeans and some maroon vans. Definitely my type of girl.

I hand her the Lillie's and I hook my arm with hers and walk out the door. We ride down the elevator and walk out to my rental car. I open the door for her like a gentlemen and walk over to the drivers side and hop in.

We drive for a good 45 minutes until reaching our destination which is over looking a sandy river and a perfect view of the sunset.

Once we arrive I get out setting a blanket on the ground and putting a basket full of all Jade's favorite foods out.

A picnic. Classic me.

We sit down on the quilt in front of the car and eat for a while. Once the sun was setting we moved all the food and scooted closer. We sat there in each other's embrace as the Sun went down just watching it quietly.

Once the sun was gone I got up and ran to the car turning on waterparks. She loves them. I walk over to her. "Wanna dance?" She smiles up at me taking my hand as I pull her up and start to slow dance. (Which is really hard to slow dance to take her to the moon) but we make it work.

We were up there on the hill enjoying each other's embrace as she spoke up. "I love this time of the evening." She says "what do you mean babe?" "Like the time after the sun goes down but it's still light and it's all pink and purple." She says "isn't there a word for that?" I ask. "Well Gaskarth I think we've found ourselves caught up in the afterglow." She says back. 'Afterglow' I like that. Jade is just beautiful. The pink skies reflect off her already rosy cheeks.

"Can't stay here, but we also can't go home."

"I wish we could stay here forever Alex." She says. She's so cute when she wishes. God I love her. I start thinking about it "Well, we ain't got no where to go." I say back "yeah except the busses." She smirks back. Oh yeah. "Let them leave us. I just wanna hold onto this feeling."

*flashback over*

As I'm sitting in the lobby of the hospital with Jack I pull out my notebook. I got some song lyrics I need to write down. I find a pen and start writing. I just scribble out 'we ain't got no were to go' 'hold onto this feeling' and 'caught up in the afterglow' all over the page. And I start writing...

Three hours later I found myself in my car with a guitar writing This song. So far we have a chorus but no verses. I continue writing because I need this song ready for when she wakes up. Then I start writing away...

Six hours later I get startled out of a light sleep by a loud knock and I realize I'm still in my car and now it's dark outside.

I look to my left and see Rian knocking on my window. I have a pretty good song for just 9 hours of working on it. I roll my window down and immediately hear 'she's awake!' Over and over again hopping out of my car with my guitar.

We run inside and I see a doctor talking to jack and the Zack. Us four guys and Charity were the only ones still here.

"Are you guys here for Jade Green?" She asks and we all nod our heads. She should've been a Gaskarth by now. Today was our wedding day. It's 10:54 pm. We should be on our way to Hawaii right now for our honeymoon. Zaria is with Zack's parents right now. Just a btw

We follow the nurse back and to a room with my beautiful bride in it. She was awake and trying to eat some applesauce. Here is the test. There isn't any telling if she will remember me or not.

I walk in and her face lights up, "Alex!" Yep she remembers me. I hand Jack my guitar and then run up to her scooping her into a hug. I can hear her heavy breathing and i smile. She's breathing and she's awake. I smile and then kiss her, and we lowkey start making out before I hear a cough come from beside us. I look us and all the guys plus Charity are all just standing there.

"I'm sorry for ever letting him get to you. I promise to never let you get hurt again." I say as I start to tear up. "Baby don't cry. I'm okay. Just a few broken bones. Nothing too bad. Alex. I love you and none of this is your fault" she says back. I smile and kiss her again before backing up while the guys crush her in a gentle hug.

I'm so glad she's okay.

"Guys can I have a moment please?" I ask. "Another one?" They ask looking at me. "Just get out please" I ask.

Thy all stumble out before I scoot into the small bed next to Jade. "What are the doctors saying?" I ask her. I'm eager to know.

"Well I broke multiple bones in my leg and some ribs so I should be up and able to walk in about 3 months." My heart drops. 3 months??? I can't wait three months to marry the girl of my dreams.

"Wanna get married on crutches? I can't wait much longer." I ask.

(Fun fact my papa got married on crutches.)

She just smiles her perfect smile at me.

"I don't even need a white dress."

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