Chapter 6

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Jade's POV

Alex: hey Jade. You up?

As I read those four words I pondered on responding. I have come to terms that it's bad to like Alex while I have a boyfriend. I don't know what i should do. I don't just like him cause I like his band. He's so much more than his band. Hes really sweet in person and always makes sure you're okay.

I am alone at the hospital because my parents and Luke figured that since I remember everything, I'd be okay to stay alone for the night. But that's not the case. I can't sleep and I'm lonely. All I can do is scroll through Twitter and watch impractical jokers.

I finally decided to reply to Alex as it was approaching midnight.

Jade: hey Alex. Yeah I'm up. My parents and Luke left for the night. It's my first night alone.
Alex: I'll come up there. We can hang out.
Jade: sounds like fun:).
Alex: see you in 30.

Oh my. I was blushing so much right now. Was I about to hang out with Alex alone in the middle of the night?

Another reason why I like him. He dropped whatever he was doing. At midnight just to come hang out with me.

He walked in right when he said he would. He walked in with a gym bag and his guitar case.

I gave him a curious look because of the bag and guitar. "Don't give me that look" he said with a chuckle. "We're gonna need something to do. Watching impractical jokers all night isn't something i call 'fun'." "Excuse me, it is probably the best show out there." We both just started to laugh as he starts pulling his PlayStation out of his gym bag and starts to hook it up to the hospital tv and puts in mariokart. So all we did for the next 3 hours was play mariokart. His Bowser was no match to my yoshi. I whooped his butt. Winning 18 out of 20 matches. After our 20th game he gave me a defeated look.

I was having such a good time I barely realized the close proximity between Alex and I in my hospital bed. We were basically cuddling while playing. He puts his arm around me as I cuddle closer to him. My eyes start to get droopy so he gets up and grabs his guitar. He starts to play 'A Daydream Away' and sings me to sleep. When I woke I was by myself with a note next to me.

'Hey sorry I left without saying bye. I didn't wanna wake you and I figured I should be gone when your boyfriend gets here so he doesn't get the wrong idea. I had a great time and can't wait to do it again.

-Alexander G.'

You can probably imagine how much I was blushing. He wants to do it again? Ahhh I have butterflies in my stomach thinking about him. This isn't okay! I have a boyfriend. I shouldn't be getting feelings for someone else. Speaking of my boyfriend. I sigh as Luke walks in the room and give him a poor smile. He walks up to me kissing me. He starts to try and make out with me but I just wasn't feeling it today so I backed away. Luke kept trying to make out with me but I wasn't feeling it.

"Luke I'm not in the mood today. Please just let me sleep" so he sighs and goes to the waiting room. So I take the opportunity to get my phone out and check for texts from the guys.

26 texts from the group 'remembering sunday'

I sigh and open the texts just scrolling through them laughing at the multiple dick jokes from Jack with Rian trying to make jokes. It was quite funny. I didn't see much from Zack or Alex.

Then I got a notification from Instagram.

@alexalltimelow posted a photo

I opened it out of curiosity. As I opened it a picture of Alex and a beautiful women with perfect blonde hair. The caption said

@alexalltimelow: spending the day with my wonderful girlfriend Lisa.

Yeah it did hurt a little bit but I have Luke. It's fine. I love him and can get over this little crush I have.

And just as I was thinking about Luke, I see a picture i posted with a girl I didn't recognize. There was no caption but they were too close together for comfort. I started to get upset. I texted him about it and he got all defensive and told me not to worry about it. Then I checked her account, apparently her name is Jenny, and she has a lot of pictures of them together. One of him even kissing her cheek. But I can't tell Luke I saw it. I can't lose him. So I decide to not do anything until he confesses to me.

So I sit there, crying for hours with nobody to hold me and say it'll get better.

Alex's POV

Yeah. I have a girlfriend, Lisa. I love her. Yeah I might have a crush on Jade but she would never like me back. I spent my whole day with Lisa yet I didn't have as good of a time as I did with Jade all night. I don't get that certain feeling with Lisa. When I'm with Jade it's like I'm on top of the world. Jade makes me get butterflies. I'm not the kinda guy that gets butterflies yet Jade gives them to me.

She has Luke though. I could never separate them. They are happy together. I don't know what to do.

It is now 10:38 at night and Lisa went home. Part of me really wants to go see Jade again. I hate not being with her. So I guess that's what I'll do.

I sneak out to my car hoping to not wake the guys, i take my guitar and some board games.

I decide to surprise her tonight. Hoping Luke isn't there. And my hopes came true. When I walked in she was awake all by herself watching friends. She totally lights up when I walk in the room. Which is understandable. Hospital rooms are so boring.

I walk over and she gives me a huge hug thanking me for coming. "Are you kidding me. Of course I would come. I rarely sleep anyways. And I knew you'd be up.

I see her tearing up and I get very concerned. I scoot her over and get under the covers with her pulling her close. I ask what's wrong and she explains to me that she thinks Luke might be cheating on her and showed me the pictures and everything. "I'm gonna kick his ass." I bluntly said.
"You can't!! He can't know I know. He will leave me for her and I'll have nobody besides my parents and my one friend Charity."  She says and I get even more upset. "You have me Jade, and you always will." I tell her with comfort. She stares to cry more and says "what about Lisa? You will be too busy with her to even remember me. And what about when you leave to continue tour in less than a week. I'll have nobody Alex." Crap. How could I forget about tour. I can't leave her. "Come with us. Be our make up person or photographer. Idc what you do. Just come with us. We can be with you." She gave me a shocked look "you expect me to just get up and out of here and leave everything? My job? My boyfriend (who might leave me anyways)? My family? My dog Ranger?" She says while crying again.
"Quit your job. We will pay you to be our photographer. Please Jade. Just come."

She actually looks like she is considering it.

I spend the night at the hospital with her and play her songs on my guitar almost all night.

At 6:15 I slowly raise her head off my shoulder and lay it on the bed trying not to wake her. As I'm walking out with my guitar in hand I pass Luke heading in with some flowers in hand. Thankfully I have my hat and sunglasses on so he didn't recognize me. It took everything in me to not just jump on him right then and there.

I hop in my car and start to cry. I know it's a babyish move but I don't know what to do. All I wanna do is run back in there and kiss her. But I have self control and I leave.

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