Chapter 9

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When I wake up I'm in bed next to a naked Zachary. I look down and realize I'm naked too.  I go to get up but lay back down realizing I have a major headache. Hangover. I wake up Zack freaking out. "Did we seriously just sleep together?!?" I said in a panicked voice. He sits up fast with reality hitting him and widens his eyes at me. We don't know what to do. "Nobody can know. Promise me you won't tell anyone Zack." I say frantically. "Fine only if you promise the same." He responds. "Obviously I promise. Can we stay best friends though? I need you." I say tearing up. "I course Jade. I love you." "I love you too Zack." (As friends obviously).

He fishes some medicine out of his bag and gives it to me. I go to the bathroom to take the medicine and take a shower. I feel dirty. Nobody can know this but Zack just took my virginity. I was always too scared to do it with Luke. Too insecure.

As I'm in the shower, crying silently, I hear three knocks on the door so I turn the water off and dry off then open the door with a towel wrapped around me. And to my surprise it's Alex. "We are heading down to eat... what's that? On your neck?" He says. I turn to look in the mirror and see a huge dark bruise on my neck. Oh no. Zack gave me a hickey. It's gonna be so noticeable "I'll be right down." I respond quickly shutting the door. "Just cover it with make up. Idk who gave it to you but I won't say anything" he says through the door. I silently thank him which doesn't do much because he's behind a door, and pull out my foundation, covering the gross bruise.

I get dressed in some short jean shorts, a panic! At the disco tank top, and some grey vans. I head down to meet the rest of the crew hugging everyone. I made sure to grab my camera cause that's what I'm here for.

As we walk around Dallas, we stop at some cool sights to take some pictures. I take pictures of just the band, some of all the couples, some of jack and Alex doin their whole Jalex thing. I had a great time. Lisa was surprisingly nice to me today. Complimenting my outfit and giving me hugs and stuff. Me and Zack were still tied to the hip. We totally forgot about our whole drunken night. I'm glad he isn't letting it effect our friendship.

It's now time for their second show in Dallas. It's going great. I'm getting AMAZING shots of the guys tonight. The band was playing their very new song 'Everything Is Fine' for the very first time live tonight. The crowd seems to love it. Which is obviously a given because it is an amazing song.

I was sweating like crazy which was weird considering I wasn't even playing on stage. They finally wrapped up their show and came off stage. I jump into Zacks arms giving him a big hug and then he says "the make up came off your neck from the sweat" quietly into my ear. I start to freak out because of the hickey. I grab Dallas (the girl lmao) and run to the dressing room. "Hurry find some foundation I have to cover this" I say pointing to my neck. She looks at it then laughs. "It's not that bad. It's just a hickey. Who gave it to you anyways?" I pull her into the bathroom locking the door, "you can't tell anyone but last night... well.... Zack and I got suuuuper drunk and went back to the hotel... put the pieces together Dallas." She gives me a shocked look and starts to freak out "oh my gosh! My little Jade is growing up! Was it your first time? How was it? Did he hurt you? Oh my goodness did you use protection?" She starts flooding me with words. "Geez women. Chill out. I don't remember anything. I was drunk. The only one I can answer is yes, it was my first time" I say embarrassed. "At least it was with someone you trust and not just some one night stand." I guess she's right. "Let's go back out to the others before they start to wonder. Don't tell anyone please." I say to her as we both walk out of the bathroom. She walks back over to Rian and hugs him. It's time for a nap.

Iva always been a fan of all time low and Rian and Cass's split up was really hard for all the fans. They were the cutest couple. It also hurt that he was dating Dallas not long after. I try to like Dallas. If I would have just met her on the streets she would've definitely been my bestfriend. But it's just hard.

I lay down on the couch in the dressing room and fall asleep.

When I woke up I was in a hotel. Which was weird since I fell asleep in the dressing room. I get my phone out to text Alex. Figuring he'd be the only one awake at 2:45 in the morning. Especially after a long show.
Jade: hey Alex. Who brought me to this hotel room? Are you close by?
Alex: in the room next door. Open your door and I'll come over.
Jade: thank you.

I open the door and let him in. "Hey Alex." I say giving him a hug. "Hay Jade." He reply's. We both go to the bed and get under the covers and turn on a movie. We sit there cuddling watching Netflix for about an hour when I ask how I got in here. "Zack carried you to the Uber than from the Uber to your bed. I'm surprised you slept through it all." I laugh gently. I'm a light sleeper.

I get out of bed and walk out onto the balcony attached to the room. I stood out there overlooking the city, Alex walks out beside me and wraps an arm around me. I turn to face him, our faces inches apart, he starts to lean in and I do the same, right before our lips connect I stop him "what about Lisa?" I say frantically. "Forget Lisa. All I want is you." That's all it took, We connected our lips, kissing. It was the most magical kiss ever. I wouldn't wannabe kissing anyone else.

As we disconnect from each other I start to hear whoops and cheers from two balconies down. We jump apart turning and seeing the other three boys and Dallas out there cheering at us kissing. Literally everyone over looking the fact that Alex is still with Lisa. They all seem happy we kissed. Alex flipped them off then we walked into my room. We didn't do anything that night. I wanted to take it slow with him. "Alex, break up with Lisa." I say bluntly. "I will, I promise." He says "tomorrow" I say as he gets up to go back to his room, kissing me goodbye.

The next day I get a knock on my door at 10:00 am. We are suppose to be out of the hotel at 11 so I'm packing getting ready to go. I open the door and to my surprise a crying Lisa walks in. "He left me. He broke up with me. What did I do wrong?" She says still crying. "Maybe you just aren't the right girl for him. There is the perfect guy out there for you. You just need to find him. You're a beautiful, smart, and caring girl. You'll find somebody." I say to her. "Thank you so much. I can't believe I didn't like you at first. You're such a good friend." I smile. "Are you staying on tour?" I ask. "No definitely not. I can't stand to see him. I'm leaving this afternoon. I got a flight back to Baltimore. Here are my digits. You should really text me." I give her a big hug then she walks out.

Not minutes later Alex walks in giving me a tender kiss. "I did it. I broke up with her. For you." I kiss him back smiling. I feel terrible. She likes me now. I don't wanna blow it by dating her ex.

All Time Amnesia (an Alex Gaskarth fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now