Chapter 14

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POV: ???

I continue watching the tv furrowing my eyebrows. I watch as this news reporter says MY GIRL is pregnant with some band dudes baby and is dating the other.

I can't believe i let her get away. I'll kill him for knocking up my girl. And I'll kill the other for thinking he can just purpose to her when she belongs to me. He will regret this. I think as I pick up the bottle and take another swing of the burning liquid.

Jade's POV

I wake up from a knock on the door. When I wake up I'm asleep on Alex's chest on the couch, I look up and see he is asleep also. All the lights are off and it's dark outside and the tv is on with low volume. It's just me and Alex and I'm praying Zack put Zaria to bed. I check the time on my phone which reads 3:52 am.

I look at Alex's sleeping figure and smile then I hear more knocks on the front door. I jump which I guess wakes Alex up. "Alex, somebody is at the door." I say in one of those yelling whispers. He gets up and walks to the door and I follow closely behind, he looks out the peep hole in the door and freezes. He turns around hugging me and putting a hand to my mouth. "It's Luke, don't say a thing, he can't know we are up. He looks dangerously intoxicated and mad." He says in a panicky tone.

Luke knocks again and by now Jack and Rian are running downstairs. "Who is it?" Rian asks. I mouth Lukes name to him. I see him reach into the coat closet for something and see him pull out a gun. "Run upstairs and send Zack down then go in Zaria's room and lock the door." Rian instructs me to do. I just nod and run upstairs.

I run into Zack's room as I hear him knock again but louder and more stern. "Zack, Luke is here and he looks intoxicated and mad." I say to him as he gets up putting on some pants before running downstairs.

I run to Zaria's room locking the door. I sit in her rocking chair and sit as quietly as possible so they can't hear me downstairs and so I don't wake the baby.

"Where the hell is she Gaskarth?" I hear Luke yell at Alex. "She isn't here!" Alex yells back. "I KNOW YOURE LYING." Luke yells back. "Get the hell out of this house before you regret it." Jack says to him, then I hear a thump and a groan from Jack and I'm assuming Luke just punched him. "Get out." Rian says sternly as I hear him cock the gun. "I'll be back" Luke says before running out and slamming the door.

I unlock the bedroom door and walk over to Zaria who starts to cry because of the sudden waking from the door slamming.

I pick her up and carry her to the rocking chair. All four boys walk in, in their pajamas giving me a sympathetic look. I see that Jack already has a big bruise forming around his eye.

"I'm sorry I brought this danger into your lives.." I say quietly as I tear up. I've ruined everything. On top of the fame from the band, now they have to worry about my crazed exboyfriend.

"Jade, shut up. We all love you no matter what happens. We don't care if he comes in with a gun, we will do anything to protect you, cause we love you." Rian says. All the boys nod in agreement. "Thank you guys. I love all of you." I say back to all of them. They all come and give me hugs.

I get up with Zaria and decide it'll be better if she sleeps in my room tonight, so I walk into my room and lay in bed, Alex laying on the other side. I give Alex a long, much needed kiss then I cover up. Putting Zaria calmly right in middle of us. Then I lay down and fall back asleep.

When I wake up the next morning I see Alex next to me, holding Zaria in his arms. He's still asleep and so is she, peacefully in his arms. It is honestly the cutest thing and I get my phone to take a picture. I set my phone down and lay my hand on Alex's face rubbing his cheek. I smile. I like the slight stubble he has. Like not a beard but also not baby smooth.

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