Chapter 10

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We've been on tour for about a month now, we were in Miami, Florida. Alex and I haven't made anything official yet although we already act like a couple. I woke up this morning on the bus getting a bad pain in my stomach. I run to the bathroom and vomit all in the toilet. It's disgusting. I feel so sick. I say in the bathroom for about 20 minutes emptying out anything I ate the day before.

This has been happening for about two weeks. I've also missed my period. Which isn't normal for me. Can missing your period cause sickness? Idk I'm not a doctor.

Although I should see a doctor.

So that's what I'm doing. I'm sitting in the waiting room of a doctors office in Georgia somewhere. Waiting for them to call me back. I brought Dallas with me because I didn't wanna come alone. She said I might be pregnant. Surely not. I mean I have been gaining weight and getting morning sickness and missed my period. Surely Zack used protection.

Crap. I pull my phone out real fast and text Zack.
Jade: Zack, did you use protection?!?
Zack: no.... I can't help what drunk me does. The only condom I had with me was still in my wallet when I woke up.

Oh no.

"Jade" the nurses were calling me back. I hand my phone to Dallas to read the texts as I stood up, her standing up slowly behind me. She hands my phone back giving me a worried look. I do all the things and answer all the nurses questions. "Okay miss Jade can you go pee in a cup for me?" I do as told and 15 minutes later the nurse comes back in, "congratulations, you are 6 weeks pregnant." Which made sense. It has been 6 weeks sense me and Zack.

Dallas and I get in the car leaving the hospital. I start to cry. I can't handle a baby. I already have Ranger, he's enough. What is Zack doesn't talk to me anymore. What if they make me stop touring with them. I guess I was speaking out loud cause Dallas starts to chuckle. "Don't worry. They would never. Zack will be there for you 100% and if not him, then Alex." I start to think about it. Maybe I'll actually be okay.

"Are you going to keep it?" Dallas asks me. "Of course I'm going to keep it. I've always wanted kids. Even if I didn't want them with Zack, I'm not going to harm a helpless baby because of my mistakes." I say which I guess was a surprise to her because she just nods her head.

As we pull up to the tour bus, parked at the venue in Georgia. I go to get on the bus. I need to talk to Zack. I find him and pull him into the back room. I start to cry and pull him into a hug "you're pregnant aren't you." He asks me. All I do is nod my head. "This isn't too bad. I've always wanted a kid. I'm definitely gonna be there to support you through everything. We can get split custody. Just know, I'm in and I'll never back down." Nothing has ever warmed my heart more. "I love you Zacky. Please don't tell Alex. I need to tell him." He just nods at me smiling. I guess he really is happy.

That night Alex asked me to go on a date with him after the show. I obviously agreed. Later that night at our date he said "we need to talk." And I said "heck yeah we do. You go first." He smiles at me "Tour is ending in two weeks. And I doubt you wanna go back to living in the same town as your ex boyfriend. Be my girlfriend and Move in with me. Live with me in Baltimore." He says without taking a breath. "Alex... I... I.. I'm pregnant..." He gives me a shocked look and starts to stutter "wh wh who's the dad?" He says. "Listen before I tell you, you have to know it was a drunken mistake We made 6 weeks ago. We are just friends. Promise me you won't hurt me or him." I say pleading. "I'm gonna kill him." He says getting up and walking out of the restaurant walking to the busses. I follow him running to keep up with him yelling after him.

When we get to the busses he walks in me shortly after him out of breath. "ZACKARY STEVEN MERRICK GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE" Alex yells through the bus. I run up behind him and grab him holding him back as Zack comes out from the back room with a panic look on his face. "HOW COULD YOU GET MY GIRLFRIEND DRUNK AND THEN NOT USE PROTECTION" he yells Zack responds sassily "she wasnt even your girlfriend at the time and she was just as drunk as me." He says. I start to cry harder. Dallas and Rian grab Alex pulling him to the back room to calm him down. I give Zack an apologetic look. "Jade it's not your fault. He'll get over it."

I crawl into Jacks bunk as he follows cause he know I need someone right now. "Jade don't worry. He will get over it. He will be there for you." He says as I cry into his shoulder. I fall asleep in Jacks bunk and he respectively goes to sleep on the spare bunk under me.

When I wake up Alex is next to me with his arms wrapped around me. I really am a deep sleeper. I snuggled more into his chest which I guess woke him up cause I felt him squeeze me into a straining hug. "I'm sorry Alex." I whispered. "Don't be baby. I overreacted. I hope you'll still be my girlfriend and move in with me." I smile "of course I will. Thank you for understanding." I say "of course. I know Zack will be there to be a good dad and all but I'll be there as well." I silently thank him and go back to sleep.

When I wake up again Alex is gone. I crawl out of Jack's bunk and find Zack in the kitchen. "Have you talked to him Zack?" He jumps and turns to look at me not knowing I was there. "Yes. He apologized for freaking out on me and says he supports you and me but separately. He hates when kids have separated parents but he says this is an exception he really likes you." Zack says winking at me. I just blush and walk to the back room to feed Ranger.

Maybe things won't turn out too badly. I'm pregnant with an actual baby. That's exciting. I have possibly the most sweetest and handsome boyfriend out there, my fluffy child, and some awesome friends.

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