I glanced back at Taylor, her face stoic. With what I hoped was a steady voice, I answered, "Yes. The alliance is still on."

She gave me a curt nod and abruptly pivoted on her heel, walking out with her Beta.

She's still upset! My wolf yelled. Follow her!

For once, my wolf won and I ran after Taylor, ignoring everyone's bewildered stares.

"Taylor!" I shouted. "Wait!"

Both of them turned, at the edge of the woods. They gave me a withering glare, but I stood my ground.

"I...need to talk to you. Alone." I glared at Michael for emphasis and he bared his teeth at me.

"It's cool, Mikey. Go wait in the woods," Taylor agreed, crossing her arms. Michael stiffly nodded his head, stalking off into the woods. Once we were alone, Taylor raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to talk.

I nervously scratched the back of my neck, "Taylor...I..."

Man up! My wolf chided. Comfort her!

I can't! She'll think I'm weird! I replied, dismayed.

"Are you going to say something or can I leave? Margaret must be worried now," she said in a bored tone.

I tried to remember what I was going to say, but her intoxicating scent and her sweet-sounding voice got me unfocused.

"Grayson?" she asked, concern evident on her face. "Are you okay?"

I love her voice, I said dreamily. Especially when she's saying my name.

"Grayson!" She cried, shaking my arm. The area of my arm where she had placed her hand felt warm and I wanted nothing more than to pull her into my arms and stay like that forever.

"What?" I asked, unfocused.

She scolded, "You were gonna say something to me."

Once again, I wasn't able to control my wolf and I grabbed her hand and pulled her into me. She landed against my chest with a pronounced "Oof!" and I immediately buried my head into the crook of her slender neck. My wolf murmured his contentment with this action and I inhaled her sweet, indescribable scent.

"Grayson?" She whispered, softly. I nuzzled my head against her in response, one of my arms wrapped around her hip and the other on the back of her neck. "What the hell are you doing?"

She placed her hand on my torso and pushed me away from her, glaring.

"I'm sorry, Taylor, for what happened earlier. You know, that stuff with my dad and stuff. I didn't know he'd be so forward about...you know," I murmured, unable to look her in the eye.

If she noticed the quick change of subject, she didn't show it.

She shrugged, "It's okay. Just apologize to him for me, okay? And Michael. He goes to extremes sometimes, but he has good intentions."

"Yeah, you can say that again," I scoffed.

She gave me a small smile and my eyes widened. Her smile turned into a frown.

"What? What happened? Did I do something wrong?" She asked.

Staring at her lips, I shook my head. "No, it's just...you smiled...at me."

Her lovely laugh rang through the woods and I smiled a lopsided grin.

"Uh, okay, Mr.Creepy," she chuckled nervously. "I'll see you next week."

"Wait!" I called out, stopping her in her tracks. "Taylor, I know this whole marriage thing must be weird for you seeing how you just met me and all so, would you like to...uh - that is if you're free, of course -"

Man up and ask her out already! My wolf chastised me.

"Grayson, I'd like to get to know you better. I mean, just because we're being forced to marry each other doesn't mean I have to hate you, right? So, what about a date? I'll meet you here tomorrow around noon and we'll just spend the whole day together--if you don't have plans, that is," Taylor offered. "Of course, it doesn't have to be a date, more like some time to hangout. So how 'bout it?"

She asked you out, my wolf deadpanned.

"I was gonna ask you that," I stated, gaping at her.

She let out another melodious laugh. "Well, too little, too late, I guess."

I grinned. "Alright. Noon it is."

She smiled once more at me before going into the forest--leaving me alone.

I grinned. I've got a date with my mate.

~Authors Note~

 Aw, Grayson, you gotta man up. -.- Honestly...Oh, and sorry for the short chapter! 

 Anyway, vote and comment and follow if you want!

 Love you all for the reads! Thanks SO SO SO SO much!!!! I updated early cuz of it! Dedicated to LUMPaT0ED for all the comments and encouragement! Thanks you!

 Oh, and please check out my new story! I'll give you a dedication if you comment! :D

 Song to the side is "Classic" by MKTO! I love them! This songs totally describes Taylor. >u<


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