Without realizing it she had been a casualty twice today. She turned around and placed herself in the view of one of the cameras. They were hidden as if they were the walls themselves, not to mention, everything had looked similar except for the painted label's on the doors. She knew that there was a sure chance that Danish might see her if she were by the directory sign by a hallway junction, a simple indication that the designer knew about the indecisiveness of these repetitive scenery.  So she ran back,  feeling as though there was an invisible hand reaching out to her as if she had already been caught.

The abrasive breath's that escaped her nostrils, muffled the unsettling calmness that resides in this place. And just for a second, she glanced over her shoulder. The sound of the heels of her shoes running hid the soft pat's of Samantha's bare feet. The abrupt flashes of light from the sealing's fixtures over Samantha's body creepily exaggerated her  speed along with an expressionless face. Betty's hope of reaching her destination began to seem less likely.  All the curves and turns in this place felt like she lost a second of a distance over Samantha. Then finally, after reaching so close, her body felt like it was suffocating. But t the same time, it didn't want to be caught by them. Betty hated this. She thought that if she were to die, hell might feel like this moment. With her fists' clenched and tears' welling up in her eyes, Betty hoped that maybe she'd stop, swiftly face Samantha and knock her out.  And it would of worked if she didn't hesitate. Samantha saw the punch coming and directed it away from them, then head-butted her. Betty stumbled back mostly in confusion, falling over in her dizziness. Samantha go on her and placed her hand on her forehead and chin. Wide eyed and panicked, Betty knew immediately that she was going to break her neck,so she wiggled around, made it harder for her in any way possible. Samantha got impatient. Betty was distressing her arm. She was making it harder for her to do a clean kill. So she just started choking her. Betty couldn't do anything. Samantha was using her weight, leaning forward on hands, keeping  constant strength no matter the punches or scrapes. She'd use her legs, but Samantha was limiting their reach by siting on her diaphragm, which also made it difficult for Betty to breathe. Then there was Iggy, walking up to them, holding a gun, ready to point it at Samantha's head, waiting for Betty to just die already. 

"I'm going to die, why is it..." Betty thought, "Sam?...Jada?" Her eyes were about to pop out, red and filled with forced tears. She practically wanted to vomit from the contractions she made trying to moisten her crushed throat. Most of all, she was upset from swallowing air instead of breathing it in. "This is it." She could feel her conscientiousness fading. "I'm dying." Jada's face was the last thing she was going to see. "I'm going to hell, for thinking you're pretty." She gave up fighting. "I'm sorry..." She was passing out. "...for liking you. But I  do..."

There was a stinging sensation that crept up on her as Betty passed out. The scars Betty left on her became more noticeable with pain as she felt the pulse faded from Betty through her hands. She broke Betty's neck just to be efficient and more importantly, complete on aspect of her mission. Iggy was creeping up on her just to see what she had done. He was pleased only for a moment. He saw Robert and Frank catching up to them. Then, Iggy pulled the trigger. Samantha leaped out of the way, gaining a flesh wound on her left shoulder. Betty on the other hand, got shot in her right earlobe. Iggy didn't have any experience firing guns, and he most definitely wasn't holding the gun the right way. The recoil caught him off guard. And he dropped the gun in response. The loud noise echoed through the hallways. Robert and Frank ran to it. Iggy reached for the gun again. Samantha kicked him in his face and he stumbled back, slamming onto the wall. She picked up the gun. Bracing himself against the wall, he tried to talk to her. "Carnelian...this is all, a misunderstanding.  I was very proud of you, I got excited and made a fist...I thought the safety was on."

"You...were going to kill me." she said. "You were so nice to us..."

"Jada?..."he said confused, staring at the face she made as though she was piecing together a thousand piece puzzle. Frank and Robert's voice morphed and lined the halls seeing her point the gun as the corner began to reveal her.

"You were so nice..." she said with her finger slowly pressing down on the trigger. She wiped her emotions away and took one finial look at him with tears brimming in her eyes. "What  waste of my emotions." She caught a tear that rolled down her cheek on her forefinger then flicked it over to him with her thumb.  Then she shot him in his chest hoping that he would survive long enough for someone to help him or something and for her to not be fully responsible for killing him in her eyes. 

Frank and Robert arrived pointing their guns at her, neither of them could shot her just in time, they were distracted by Betty's dead body. Samantha got on her knees, dropped the gun and put her hands behind her head right before they could see how much this situation begged for her to get shot. Frank cuffed her. Robert went to aid Betty right away by doing chest compressions on her. Frank left them alone while he made sure Jada got back in her cell. Betty wasn't responding in any way. He looked to Iggy, Deril, for help but he was bleeding out. Robert got aggressive with him asking for help by pressing on his wounds. Deril coughed in pain and mustered up the strength to push Robert off, or at least make a weak gesture of it. He wasn't saying anything. Robert punched him in panic and frustration, then continued to do chest compressions, this time, a little harder and more hopeful, but weaker the less it seemed to do anything.  Danish arrived on the scene to pick up where Robert gave up.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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