a second chance?

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8k+ y'all are nutso I'm actually gonna cry—

Extra Chapter 3

To say going to Taeyongs house and not be nervous was possible was a huge ass lie for Doyoung, because Jaehyun is still there and meeting new people is just nerve-wracking.

Yet here he is with Taeyong struggling to open the door and Doyoung himself jittering with nerves behind him.

Eventually, Taeyong managed to open the door and in they stepped. A male who seemed around the same age as Taeyong is the first thing Doyoung sees, and second, Jaehyun.

The younger is sprawled out on the ground, mumbling something incoherent to everyone, including Taeil. He looks like a complete wreck, still wearing the clothes from last night, his eyes puffy and cheeks hallowed.

To sum it all up, he looks like a skeleton with eyeballs and skin.

Yet even more dead.

Doyoung has to hold himself back from going to Jaehyun, because he's still not sure if he wants to hit or comfort him.

In all honesty, it's probably the first option.

"Oh thank God you're back, he's starting to get on my nerves— Uhh, Taeyong?"

The male sitting on the couch stands up, eyeing Doyoung suspiciously. "I'm guessing you're Doyoung, right? Well, I'm Taeil." He approaches Doyoung, his hand held out and taken by the taller, who smiles.

Taeils appearance already makes Doyoungs heart skip. He has an undercut with his black hair partially in his eyes, a cute toothy smile, and his jaw sharp enough to cut a bitch. He's surely short, which is a bonus for Doyoung, and not to mention he's already made a good impression on the taller already.

"Nice to meet you." Doyoung holds in a stutter, taking in all of Taeil before swallowing thickly. Taeil is practically drop-dead gorgeous.

"Well, Jaehyun is seriously a piece of shit, I don't know how you can handle him." Taeils honesty comes out of completely nowhere, startling Doyoung and Taeyong both.

"I don't know either." Doyoung glares at the male behind Taeil, who's still mumbling bullshit on the living room floor.

"He's practically a 5 year old! I mean, he doesn't have the same relationship problems as a 5 year old but he deals with them as such!" Taeil continues, flailing his hands as he spins on his heel and heads back for the living room.

"I like him." Doyoung mutters under his breath so only Taeyong can hear him and the older chuckles, slapping Doyoungs back in a 'nice' kind of way.

Whatever that means.

"He's great, I hope you will." Taeyong smiles at him, heading to the living room after taking off his shoes at the door, Doyoung following suit.

Taeyong looks down on the pathetic figure of Jaehyun, frowning as Doyoung does the same. Jaehyuns eyes are closed and his mumbling only decreases until he opens his eyes.

And when he opens his eyes, he opens them wide.

"Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah-"

He sits up at a 90° angle at fast speeds and Doyoung has to reel back before his head gets knocked into.

"Excuse me I feel faint." Jaehyun holds onto Taeyongs leg to stabilize himself as he rubs his eyes with his thumb and middle finger. "All the sudden I'm seeing Doyoung—"

"It's me you fucktard."

Doyoung growls, kicking his tailbone hard as Taeil whistles in the background. "Nice kick. He deserves it." Doyoung casts a grateful look over at Taeil and winks, smirking right after.

Almost automatically he turns back into his angry self, crossing his arms as Jaehyun yowls, running his lower back in pain. "Okay, I deserved that, but you still have to hear me through!"

"I really don't want to. I saw enough, and I've forgiven Taeyong because he was a victim." Doyoung replies calmly, whereas on the inside he wants to scream at his 'boyfriend', if he even wants them to be that.


"Don't sweetheart me, Yoonoh."

Doyoung's eyebrows knit together in frustration as he crosses his arms tighter. "You know, I've always been the smarter one of us, and you know it."

"Of course I do, I was fucking drunk last night, an-"

"Yeah, you were drunk. Your real intentions come out when your drunk, and right when I disappeared you went and kissed him! Don't you think that's totally coincidence, Jaehyun?"

Doyoung's eyes are filled with hurt and sorrow, the occasional angry flash fluttering among the emotional mess.

"I don't forgive you. I won't." Doyoung ends, Jaehyun looking up into the olders eyes sadly. "You won't forgive me, huh? What does that mean for us?"

"I don't know. I can't forgive a cheater, so I guess..."

Doyoung sniffs, looking to Taeyong for help. His brother just shrugs and goes to sit by Taeil, who's watching Doyoung with sad eyes.

"We should just end this."

Doyoung feels his heart shatter at his own words, and can see Jaehyuns too by the way he slumps into himself. "I knew it."

"It's better this way, Jaehyun. It could get toxic if anything else happens." Doyoung crouches down to Jaehyuns level, wiping away a single tear that found it's way out away as he strokes Jaehyuns face with his thumb.

"I'd like to still be friends with you, though. That's about it." Doyoung adds when Jaehyun just stays motionless.

"I'd like that." Jaehyun smiles sadly, leaning into Doyoungs touch as he smiles back. "Good. Now that I don't want to kick you all the way back to Korea..."

"...can I have your number, Taeil?"


*chokes on my phone* sorry dojae shippers 😩🤙

All these wattpad DoIl fanfics are all mpregs and I'm just—

Also We Go Up making me ugly cry bye

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