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johnny orlando.

i dropped onto my bed, smiling like a maniac, linking my fingers behind my head. today.. was eventful, that's for sure.

"JOHNNY!" i heard lauren yell, "WHERE'S MY PHONE CHARGER?"

i ignored her. hey, don't come at me! my phone is only at 20% !!

"JOHN VINCENT ORLANDO!" lauren slammed the door open, looking at me like i was her prey. oh wait ...

"i don't have it!" i lied.

"IF YOU DON'T TELL M- hey, why are your lips so swollen?"


"um, maybe it's because i'm allergic to vegetables, and mom keeps making me eat them," i tried.

"nice try, juan," lauren raised her eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips, glaring at me intensely.

"fine!" i put my hands up in the air. "i kissed a girl! happy now?"

a broad grin stretched out across lauren's face. "aw, my big bwo johnny has a gwlfriend!" she teased in a baby voice.

"she's not my girlfrie- yeah, okay, she's my girlfriend." i had imagined telling lauren and my other sisters, maddie and darian, and my parents about kenzie, but this was NOT how i imagined it.

lauren squealed, making me cover my ears. "what's her name? her hair color? eye color? ag-"

"whoa, slow down laur. one question at a time." i interrupted. "go again," i instructed, like a teacher.

lauren took a deep breath and repeated her first question. "what's her name? vicky? becky? jessic-"

"stop, stop, stop. number one, she's not a stereotypical californian white girl. number two, we don't even live in california. number three, her name is mackenzie."

"okay. now tell me about her appearance. right now!"


i answered so many questions, i felt like alexa. alexa, as in the automatic voice robot thingy in electronic devices, not as in my girlfriend mackenzie. well, her name is mackenzie but i call her alex- no, i'm not cheating! i only call her alexa because of a prank ca- you know what? forget it.

then the most feared question came: "how did you guys kiss?"

talk about awkward.

"well ..." i began. "i stumbled forward and our lips touched. then we broke apart, and we kissed again, and after a few minutes, i shoved my tongue down her throat-"

"TMI! TMI!" lauren shrieked.

"hey, you asked for it. literally." i protested, making her roll her eyes in exasperation.

"i wasn't asking how the kiss went, i was asking how it started happening." she explained, earning an ohhhhh! from me.

"well, i took a bite of her ice cream and she tried to smash it in my face, she nearly got it by the way, but i turned my head really quickly and somehow, my lips slammed into hers."

lauren's jaw dropped. then she began slow clapping, smiling sarcastically at me. "congratulations, johnny boy. that's one hell of a story to tell your kids."


( author's note )

1 vote = 1% of battery donated to lauren's phone

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