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johnny orlando.

dialling emmy skinner..

"hi there johnny!"

"um, hi emily."

"what did you want to call me about? if it's about the fake dating"

"uh, actually, i need to talk to you about that."

"oh? i'm listening."

then i let it all out.


dialling bro #1..

"hi assh"

"yeah, yeah, yeah. i just wanted to apologize about the 'finding a fake girl to date' thing,"

"excuse me, the last time i checked emily was a living, breathing perso"

"okay okay, let me rephrase that. 'finding a girl to be my fake girlfriend'."

"no biggie. but the johnny orlando i know doesn't apologi"

"yeah, well, it turns out i don't need to fake date a person anymore. i um, already explained everything."

"wow, you're really set interrupting me, huh"

"i'm sorry!"

"but really bro, that's a shame. emmy is a 10/10"

"DUDE. SHE'S YOUR FRIEND SINCE KINDERGARTEN. and hey, if she's a 10/10, why don't you date her?"

"well, um.."

"um what?"



"yeah i'ma go bye"


prank call ; jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now