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kenzie ziegler.


that thought replayed my mind as i tried to sleep. sure, i might've never seen him before and sure, we're just strangers but he could have at least told me rather than saying nothing.

knowing there was a hundred percent that i wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, i decided to get up and go walk under the moonlight.

i rolled off my bed with an 'oomph' and tied my hair into a ponytail, not even brushing it. i know i'll pay for it later, the knots are gonna be so hard to ease out, but right now i didn't give a damn.

i threw on an oversized hoodie and black sweatpants, slipping on some black nikes. i only need my phone- actually i don't need it but whatever.

i crept down the stairs, avoiding the bottom step because it creaks, and slipped out the door.

i walked at a steady pace, everything silent except for the occasional whistle of the wind, and the leaves crunching under my feet.

the wind felt cool against my bare face, and i stopped for a second, enjoying the breeze. closing my eyes, i now understand why girls in cliché movies like sneaking out. it was quiet, peaceful even.

my eyelids fluttered open and i turned my head to face the sky. the sky was clear of any clouds, the stars looked like thousands of glittering diamonds.

i exhaled shakily, hating that i'm pitying myself. i should be happy for this kid, not jealous. i don't even know him. he's just a random person who i prank called.

"lovely night." i turned to look at who spoke. it was that green-eyed boy from lexi and sophia's party.

"yeah, it really is." i responded, taking my eyes off of his and faced the sky. he chuckled quietly.

"what brings you out on this fine midnight?" he questioned, his eyes burning into the back of my neck.

"i couldn't sleep?" i cringed at how lame that sounded. i looked at him; he had a wide grin on his face.

"me either."

we stood there, staring at the stars, enjoying each other's presence.

"you know, i didn't catch your name at that party," he spoke, breaking the silence. i shrugged.

"we didn't exactly talk to each other, now did we," i answered nonchalantly, stuffing my hands into my hoodie, smiling slightly as my hands warmed up.

he chuckled again. does this guy ever stop chuckling?!

"i'm johnny orlando," he held out his hand like we've never met before. "pleased to meet you."

i stared at him as if he had just said that all the best products in america were suddenly made from china. oh wait..

he chuckled again at my bewildered expression. "best to start from the start, right?" he said, smiling.

"i prefer to cheat and start midway," i answered dryly, making him freaking chuckle.

"don't get caught..?"

"mackenzie. mackenzie ziegler."

"don't get caught, mackenzie mackenzie ziegler," he said cheekily, making me roll my eyes.

"shut up, mr orlando," i punched his arm playfully.

"that's two mackenzies i know now," he chuckled making me drop to the ground and dig the heels of my palms into the sides of head.

"STOP FUCKING CHUCKLING!" i screamed dramatically, laying back and draping a hand over my forehead. he stared at me in amusement.

then he giggled.







then i shot up, much to his amusement.

"wait.. you know two mackenzies?!" i exclaimed. he giggled, smiling.

"indeed i do. i call her alexa, though. alex for short." my eyes widened. oh shit this is the guy that i pretended he asked me out but he has a girlfriend this is THE johnny THE matthew ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod

"are you okay?" he questioned, placing a hand on my shoulder, looking concerned. i nodded, taking deep breaths.

then i fainted.


this is so messy bYE

prank call ; jenzieWhere stories live. Discover now