Judar X Reader (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Chills shook through her spine at his remark and her eyes shook with fear.

Suddenly, his right hand went to her neck and began to tighten to a vice like grip.

Suddenly, her feet was lifted off the ground and her face began to turn red from the lack of oxygen. His red eyes peirced hers.

"When I want something. I will have it."

The maid grabbed his arm, her eyes begging to let go of his choking hold.

He finally let go and the maid fell to the ground choking and gasping for air. Her lungs desperately getting their need of air.


"The head of the maids requested that you must be Judar's personal maid." Her friend whispered as you looked at her schocked.

She what?

"Is this some sick joke?" You scoffed in disbeleif.

His personal maid? Sounds sketchy. What am I? His secret personal prostitute slave?

"Sadly, it is not. Your first day in your new position starts when the sun rises tomorrow. "

Resting on your bed, you turned away from your new friend as you calculated all the worse possiblities that can happen with being Judar's personal maid.

His personal maid huh?


One more month.

One more month was the remaining time you had left to stay as a maid within the palace.

The thought about leaving made you have no regrets. You were very excited to leave and never encounter the magi ever.

"Slave, come here."

Yes, he called you slave for the past few months instead of your actual name or using the term 'maid'. You found his pet name for you highly insulting.

In the middle of sorting out his shelf filled with ancient scrolls, you huffed in exhaustion.

Turning around and walking to him, you shot him a glare.

"M-my lord, if I may say. Would you mind calling me by my name or using the term maid instead of using such o-offending words." You shyly spoke as you stood in front of him, ready to take in his request.

He looked at you in surprise for a second at your remark, but his expression turned cold.

Did she just?

His fingers gripped the bottom of your cheeks as he squeezed the meat together and made a fish like look coming from your own face.

Unable to swat his hands away due to the difference in positions within the castle, you only glared even hard at his face. You were mostly shy in front of this very man.

"Hmmm. What an unfortunate request coming from such a lowly maid like you. Do I have to teach you?" He spoke huskily with such grace that almost made your legs turn into jelly. You cheeks dusted with pink from the embarrassment and awkward moment.

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