Kassim x Reader

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This was a request from Monochrome_Mel and I think this story is one of the best stories I've ever written in this book. Its VERY descriptive in my opinion. I'm sorry for the late updates, I've had school and I'm VERY busy from writing essays every week. Oh, a d this is a kpop song called 'Don't Believe' by the girl group called Berry Good, so if you like kpop, i recommend listening to it while reading this story and replay the song if it stops in the middle of the story. Its a real good song that matches up. If you dont like kpop, its fine. But, if u don't know kpop, just listen to it for the SAKE of the story. I think it matches well. ENJOY!!!!

"Stop. Stop.😫" You gasped with tears in your eyes as you stumbled a few steps backwards and felt someone touching your waist. In surprise, you turned around and spotted a young teenager holding a small dagger in his hands with a grin.

"Leave me alone!!" You screamed as you felt fingers brush across your behind and you were wearing a skirt.😣 Your body froze from his contact since you weren't familiar with people touching you there. "Heh. She's just perfect." He spoke in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Well, that's too bad. She's all to the leader as a present for his 18th birthday. He would be happy to see her again." He sighed before you slapped his hands away from your behind. "Feisty too." The other snickered with a slight laugh.

"W-what?? Me? A p-present???😓" You thought with worry as you glared at the two men who were cornering you in a dead end in an alleyway. "Let's take her." the other replied as your head was suddenly covered by a bag which muffled your screams and yelling. You then felt that your body was thrown over someone's shoulder and started walking.

Time skip...(sorry guys.)

"So...any presents for the leader on his eighteenth birthday?" A person asked as a man with purple hair and amber eyes sat on a fake throne and looked down at the crowd of his followers who were slightly whispering to one another and turning their head left to right to see who brought their boss a present.

"Over here." A voice said from the crowd as people looked around curiously. You were suddenly thrown to the floor and a gasp came from your mouth, but was muffled due to the piece of cloth tied around your head and in between your mouth.

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