Matt ran his shaking hand through his hair, the air blowing cold against his skin.
" Do you think this is possible?".

Mark bit his lower lip nervously.
" I think that we'll make a difference".


Jack sped down the highway, travelling back from Rose's home which was a town over. Not a long drive.

He was glad that the roads were clear, not another car in sight. He didn't want to make a mistake that would cost another life. He would never be able to forgive himself.

"I'm coming Mark, everything will be okay in a few days" he spoke, whispering it to himself.

Jack reached over, toggling with the buttons that controlled the radio. The man had planned on listening to the disc Tyler had in the car. Instead the radio turned on. Jack was about to change it, but the news report spiked his attention.

It seems a small herd of people have gathered over the Hollywood stars, blocking the road they can be seen slowly marching down the road

Jack's hands tightened over the steering wheel, he hoped that what he was thinking wasn't coming to pass. He hoped that Mark hasn't taken such a bold move.

Our camera have looked closer and we can see that each person is wearing white. With a few wearing other clothes at the front. Quite a number of these people are wearing collars. The slaves are marching-

" Jesus Mark, you're going to get yourself killed, they'll shoo on sight!".

But not alone. There are a few people at the front, they don't have collars and seem to be leading the pack. They may be the organisers of this event-

Suddenly the car started to slow, choking like a person sick. Jack panicked and swerved off the toad as he approached the town he wanted to be in.

" What? What's wrong?" He questioned the vehicle.

The car leapt once before becoming stationary. Jack swore as he pulled the handbrake, his eyes drifting to the fuel gauge.

It rested on empty.

" Fucking fuel!" Jack swore.

Sean took the keys from the ignition and slammed the black door as he leapt from the car. His thumb pressed the lock button before he shoved the keys into his pocket.

He turned his head to the direction of town, nervous sweat running down his forehead.

I have to get to Mark

Jack calculated the circuit he would take to get the to the Hollywood stars. It would take an hour to walk there. He needed to be there right now.

" Let's see how fast you can run Jack".

The man then took off,running as fast as his legs could pump him. And no matter how much they ached or how laboured his breathing became. He kept going.

He'd go forever.


Marks hands shook with nerves as it clutched his white cane. The same cane Molly had given him. She herself welded one, much more expertly then Mark.
They linked free arms, having different preferred hands to hold their canes.

Next to them stood Dan and Phil, wearing their collars, green and red bands with more pride then they thought they could ever. Their eyes kept on the horizon as they walked in peace.

Felix and Mariza walked next to them in a pair. Almost mirroring their actions. Although they held up a sight with their outer hands.

" A peace protest" it read in blue spray paint.

Tyler and Ethan walked next to each other. Also holding signs that were made on the way there.

" Slave rights" it read, continuing from the other sign.

Next to them walked Amy. A yellow sun dress waving in the wind. A whole smile held on her face as she walked. She was giving a piggy back to the young boy who held onto her tightly. A smile on his age as well.

Around one hundred slaves walked behind them. Some held hands while others held makeshift signs.

" We are people too".

" Rights for all".

" Set us free".

Everyone walked in silence. No changing and no spoken words. They didn't need to say anything for their message to come across.

Cameras from news stations and a chopper flew over head. It seems everyone was invaded in the first ever slave rights march.

People looked on from the side lines. Tyler frowned as he saw Mothers shielding the scene from their child's eyes. But smiled when he saw many people smile at them.

Dan was happily walking next to Mark, describing what was going on around them. He was happy to say that a few slaves and their masters had jointed the protest, even though they walked with leashes they walked with smiles.

" You're just my house keeper, that doesn't mean ya ain't my friend" The old man holding the slaves collar said.
" Ya deserve a pay check".

Mark smiled, happy tears streaming down his face as he heard that. Dan described many more people joking them. Soon their group had grown quite a lot. But no more then two hundred people marched.

Many slurs were herd from people at the sidelines. Calling them slaves and other terms. Some even tired to order the police to take actions. But as cops cars turned up, they merely blocked off the streets so no one could run them over.

Society had grown quite a bit, even as it lacked in rights. It gave all freedom to have a voice to the public, the media and the government. Whether that be songs, charity events of peaceful protest. No one had any ground to stop them, only make the event safe for all.

" It's working" Mark whispered to Molly.

The brown haired girl smiled.
" Of course".

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