⁅ Chapter Nineteen //Deviant Ending\\ ⁆

Start from the beginning

'Just please, please, be careful. I don't want you getting hurt...'

   Shaking her head gently (Y/n)'s eyes casted downwards as Markus walked away, feeling the same painful feeling mentally and physically in that moment. Before she would head to the CyberLife Tower she decided to rummage around in the supplies they had left so she could wrap up her wound to ensure it wouldn't get worse, seeing as she couldn't fix it herself at the moment.

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NOV. 11th, 2038

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PM 10:48:05

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   The whirring sound of the self-driving taxi could be heard slowing to an automatic stop as it left two tire trails in the pure white snow as it passed through it. As soon as the vechile came to a complete stop one of the two guards that were standing next to the gate walked over to taxi, the window automatically rolling down once he was standing beside it. (Y/n) turned her head the minute it did so, so that she was now facing the soldier.
   "(Y/n) Model #313 248 317. I'm expected." With that said (Y/n) turned her head back to face forward, so she no longer at to look at the guard standing by the side of the car. It took a while as he was most likely using the screen built in his mask to scan the androids identity, and when it was deemed successful he stepped back from the vehicle.
   "Okay." He stepped back more as the window slowly slid shut once more, and once he was far enough as from it he made a signal towards the other guard. "Go ahead." One of the Police Drones flew over the gate with the glowing letters spelling out 'CyberLife' on each segment, the blocks going down into the ground one by one till there was nothing blocking the car's way now.

   The self-driving taxi began to accelerate and move once again, now heading straight towards the extremely large and tall tower. It took a bit due to how the long the bridge was, but eventually the taxi rolled to a stop in front of the tower, causing the doors to automatically slide open and for (Y/n) to step out into the cold night air. She blinked a few times as she stepped out, her hands moving to fix her bow tie as she heard the doors slide shut behind her. There were two guards that she passed by as she made her way to the entrance, which again the glass doors automatically opened when sensing her approaching figure. Three more guards were inside as soon as she entered, and (Y/n) stopped in her tracks since they were blocking her way.
   "Follow me. We'll escort you." The middle guard nodded his head towards her, making (Y/n) worry a bit that this plan may not have as much of a chance of working as she thought it would.
   "Thanks... But I know where to go." (Y/n) tried to convince them that she would be fine on her own, but it would seem as though that wouldn't work at all.
   "Maybe, but I have my orders." That response made her want to scowl at the guard, yet she held it back as he turned around and began to walk further into the first floor of the tower.


Follow the guard


   It was a boring walk (at least to (Y/n) it was, which surprised her since she usual never got bored, but then again she was a deviant now), and as the two approached the entrance to the center of the tower she saw white, thin lasers coming down and she instantly recognized them as scanners.
   "Agent 23 identified." As the guard walked through it a blue sparkle seemed to go around him, obviously from the scanners he had just walked through.
   "(Y/n) android identified." A bunch of blue rings ran up (Y/n)'s body as it scanned her and a red staticy sparkle was left behind her, which she assumed was because it was to indicate that she was an android and not a human. "Agent 47 identified. Agent 72 identified. Scan complete. Access authorized."
   Then began the long walk once again, silence being the only thing between the four even as they finally reached the elevator.

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