⁅ Chapter Twelve //Rooftop\\ ⁆

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{{I love how everyone was choosing which one and I was just reading the comments like 'Lol, ima just do both coz' why the fuk not?' Oof- so these may be short seeing as it's just a continuation from the last chapter. :')}}

[○] Check the roof

   With her heels clicking against the metal stairs, (Y/n) made her way up to the door leading up to the rooftop, opening the door and stepping outside once there. Snow fluttered all around with the light wind that breezed past, and footprints embedded in the thin sheet of snow from (Y/n)'s boots.
   "So they made their way up through this entire building, past all the guards, and threw themselves off the roof with parachutes..." Connor spoke up as he walked over to (Y/n)'s side, causing her to look at him while he stared off into the distance.
   "Pretty fucking impressive I'd say." Hank chimed in, his gaze shifting all around the area of the roof. {{The way Markus jumped off the roof in that scene had me ded tbh-}}

   "Well, (Y/n)," At the sound of Connor talking she looked back up at him, only this time to make eye contact as he was now looking at her. He gave her an adorkable smile and lifted one of his hands to ruffle her hair, a gesture she was now completely calm with. "-do your thing." With that he moved his hand away, and (Y/n) einoly gave him a nod before she looked back towards where the evidence was and got to work.
   The first thing she couldn't possibly miss was the large amount of Thirium splattered over the side of one of the cargo on the roof, and she walked over to get a better look and be able to scan the gooey blue substance.


Fresh Blue Blood

Model: PL -600
Reported missing: 2036.16.02


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Deviant left behind?

-Follow blue blood traces

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   Crunching snow sounded below her feet along with the occasional splash of a puddle from it melting could be heard as the female android made her way around the crate, looking around to follow the trail of one of the possible members associated in this crime. Shifting her gaze to the right (Y/n) noticed some of the bright blue blood smeared on a pole, and turned so she walked past it in the right direction. That lead her to seeing more of it painted on a vent sticking up from the roof, and she walked further until it came to an end just smeared against the door of a crate.
   With furrowed brows (Y/n) walked over to the door, and began to move the heavy metal door. As soon as she did so, she looked inside, only to make eye contact with an android before something forced it's way through her left shoulder and a gun shot resonated throughout the area. Flinging back from the sudden shot (Y/n) tried to sit up the minute she hit the ground, Thirium leaking from her wound as she pushed herself backwards on the ground.
   "(Y/n)!" Gunshots were sounding all around, along with a few shouts from other policemen, but (Y/n) was able to make out his voice as Connor darted over to her and scooped her up into his arms. After doing so (Y/n) noticed him shoot at the deviant while he moved them back a bit, before both off then quickly ran over to take cover after (Y/n) regained balance on the ground. "Shit! Your shoulder!" At his words she turned her gaze down at the bullet wound, before turning to look at his concerned and panicked face.
   "I'll be fine. You have to stop them! If they destroy it, we won't learn anything!" (Y/n) was quick to change the subject, her thoughts of course turning back to her mission as she peaked around the corner.
   "(Y/n), we can't save him, it's too late! It's like a death wish if we try to!" Connor tried to reason, his free hand reaching out to gently grasp onto her non injured shoulder.

⁅ Switched ⁆ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang